Thursday, December 30, 2004
Read into this what you will....
It ain't so much a question of not knowing what to do.
I knowed whut's right and wrong since I been ten.
I heared a lot of stories and I reckon they are true
About how girls're put upon by men.
I know I mustn't fall into the pit, But when I'm with a feller, I fergit!
I'm jist a girl who cain't say no, I'm in a turrible fix
I always say "come on, le's go" Jist when I orta say nix!
When a person tries to kiss a girl, I know she orta give his face a smack.
But as soon as someone kisses me, I somehow, sorta, wanta kiss him back!
I'm jist a fool when lights are low
I cain't be prissy and quaint
I ain't the type that can faint
How c'n I be whut I ain't?
I cain't say no!
Whut you goin' to do when a feller gits flirty, and starts to talk purty?
Whut you goin' to do?
S'posin' 'at he says 'at yer lips're like cherries, er roses, er berries?
Whut you goin' to do?
S'posin' 'at he says 'at you're sweeter 'n cream, And he's gotta have cream er die?
Whut you goin' to do when he talks that way, Spit in his eye?
I'm jist a girl who cain't say no, Cain't seem to say it at all
I hate to disserpoint a beau When he is payin' a call!
Fer a while I ack refined and cool, A settin on the velveteen setee
Nen I think of thet ol' golden rule, And do fer him what he would do fer me!
I cain't resist a Romeo In a sombrero and chaps
Soon as I sit on their laps Somethin' inside of me snaps
I cain't say no!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
(i got a tiger skin rug for Christmas, it'll look great infront of the fireplace at my house in ancaster: applications for being my boyfriend can be submitted by email or in person ;) )
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Are you studying "too much" too?

-sometimes i study so hard i become an inuit with no arms

-sometimes this is what i feel like after an exam

-and sometimes i just can't handle anymore!
Friday, December 17, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Pondering whilst wandering
Next Semester
Classes i am taking next semester:
- 19th Century Drama
- Church History II
- Old Testament Writings: The Pentateuch
- Theology of Mission
- Storytelling
are you in any of my classes?
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I think there are a lot of people that need to hear this right now.
i've known sorrow, i have known pain
but theres one thing, that i'll cling to
you are faithful, Jesus you're true
when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart
in the lone hour, of my sorrow
through the darkest night of my soul
you surround me, and sustain me
my defender, forever more
when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart
i will praise you, i will praise you
when the tears fall, still i will sing to you
i will praise you, Jesus praise you
through the suffereing still i will sing
when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart
- Tim Hughes
Is it too much to ask?
is it too much to ask to have them be on time?
is it too much to ask to have them have a good attitude when working (i don't care what you think of me or the store, just please don't fight me every time i ask you to do the dishes or wear a hat!)?
is it too much to ask to have the basic rules followed?
is it too much to ask to have them remember that managers also have an outside life and are also going through exams?
is it too much to ask them to oh, i don't know, "work" during their shifts?
i know i don't command respect but is it too much to ask to have a little thrown my way?
i just don't think i should be having chest pains during shifts. i'm not getting paid enough to warrant having chest pains.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Thank you for the people you have been putting in my life lately. Thank you for the relationships we are developing. Thank you for making my friends such beautiful people.
I love you,
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Can I Get a Witness? of It Is a Small World!
One of the girls I work with regularly is in one of the biological sciences at Mac. She wants to go to Australia for a program and will need a prof's reference letter. Being a second year at Mac she realizes that the class size is too big for her to randomly have a prof get to know her. So she has been going to her favourite prof for help in the hope that the prof will remember her and give her a good reference.
At work last night we were talking about classes and class sizes and profs and knowing profs by their first names. She said that she was able to address the aforementioned favourite prof by her first name: Pipa. I said, "Pipa? As in Pipa Lock?" And the employee confirmed that it was indeed our Saturday Soprano.
What does this have to do with witness? Everything. This employee totally respects Pipa and said that Pipa gets voted the best prof every year. What a victory for Christ to have such a well respected prof in the Science Dept at Mac fighting for the Truth!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I can see myself.
All the evil comes to the surface,
Everyone can see it.
Every pore erupts with filth,
I chose ignorance.
The dark brings cold comfort,
Sweet and embraceable.
I linger in pools of loathing,
Lavish swamps.
I have sunk to a delicious depth,
None can find me.
Light is a dazzling pain,
I run.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Sing Along Messiah Anyone?
Massey Hall
This festive sing-along with the Tafelmusik Chamber Choir and Orchestra, led by a feisty Maestro Handel, is an annual tradition. The sheer joy you will feel as your voice joins a mass choir of 2,500 to sing the Hallelujah chorus may be the best Christmas gift you receive. Bring your own score, or purchase one at Massey Hall. Seating is by voice part, and non-singers are always welcome. A great outing for the whole family! The Sing-Along Messiah also sells out - don't miss out! (Tickets on sale Aug 2004.)
Massey Hall Box Office
$20.00 Students & Seniors, $27.00 Adults
Does anyone know?
Working at the Pita Pit as the only Christian is hard. Very rewarding, but hard. It has been a constant struggle for my to find that fine balance between contextualized and pluralistic.
Every year we have two staff parties. A big one at Christmas and a smaller one at the end of the school year. The past two years at the Christmas party I have been drunk off my ass. I won't get into details, but be assured it wasn't pretty OR Christ-like. The past two years I have completely abstained from alcohol at the end of the year party.
This year's challenge: to drink at the Christmas party without getting drunk. In my opinion moderation is the key when being a light at these parties. Being drunk means that I'm just like everyone else. Not drinking at all means I'm weird, on medication or a nerdy Christian. Neither gets us anywhere in the Kingdom mission.
So tonight was the Christmas party. I set goals for myself. One drink at the pre-party cocktails and one drink at the bar. I knew it was going to be hard. I asked people to pray for me. Thank you, huge thank you to those who did. And I had another someone call me on my cell part way through the night to keep me accountable. Thank you to her too. I wore heals 'cause if I was drinking too much then it would be hard to walk, which would signal to me that it was time to stop. I wore my hair all nice, with a smokin' outfit and make-up so that I would have some dignity to maintain. And I didn't bring any money with me.
Hand in hand with God I walked into and out of that party tonight. I met my goal of 2 drinks! I consumed them when I planned and when we switched bars half way through I enjoyed a lovely cranberry juice. I sang a Carole King song at Kareoke which everyone loved. And then I came home..before 4am. In fact before 2am!
Thanks again to those who help and thanks to God for being the norm for awesomeness.
Messiah - In words
After Saturday's performance I was driving Heather and Angela back up to Redeemer and I described how I felt about the performances using a sporting metaphor.
I said that I felt like singing the Messiah was like running a 400m hurdles race. Anyone who has run 400m knows that it is in essence running balls out for 400m. Throwing the hurdles in just makes for an extra challenge.
On Friday I felt like we as a choir had been running on course for a personal best time. Then we peeked to see where the competition was and tripped over the last hurdle. Ouch. But as with athletic training and performance you get back up, work out the kink and run again.
Bending the metaphor slightly to apply just to me I felt like I did run a personal best time. And I wondered how that could be beaten. I didn't realize that Friday was the semi-final and Saturday the final.
Again if you've ever run competitively you know that the body can surprise you with "an extra gear". All of those hours of training become worth it as you think you have reached your full potential and then all of a sudden there is another gear and you can push even harder and go even farther than you thought even possible.
That is how I felt about Saturday night (the second half - the first half, don't ask, or see the previous post). I sang the Hallelujah chorus so hard that I had chest pains after. And the Amen - who knew that we could go that hard (God did, He planned it that way)?
I feel blessed, like everyone else that I could be apart of it. I was one of those people that had never sung the Messiah before. I had never even heard the whole thing until I bought the CD. And I too struggled with learning the whole thing. I wanted to throw myself through a window and quit the choir the week before the performances. I was bringing down those around me.
Oh redemptive power. Oh endless blessings.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Day 2

How I felt about the second half of the concert and the answers to my fervent prayers of the first half.....

Saturday, December 04, 2004
Day 1

How I felt after the Amen...

How I feel today, having another chance to get it right...

Actually, this is how I feel about today...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Do you hear what I hear?
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
Monday, November 29, 2004
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Wedding Shots
Friday, November 26, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Human Again
Friday, November 19, 2004
Where have all the flowers gone (a midterm essay re-write)
Long time passing.
Where have all the hours gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the hours gone?
Gone to first years every one.
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Like a Chesty Blonde
Monday, November 15, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Teach Me
Teach me to weep for the times that I've failed You
Teach me to wait Lord for Your hand to move
Teach me to watch for the dawn in my darkness
Teach me to walk in a way You'd approve
Take me, teach me to be more like You
All that you are Jesus I want to be
Take me, teach me to be more like You
Touch these blind eyes Jesus
I want to see
Teach me to wonder at all You've created
Teach me to whisper my thoughts in Your ear
Teach me to work at true love for my neighbor
Teach me to want the same things You hold dear
Take me, teach me to be more like You (x4)
Written by Darin McWatters and Tim Sovinec
Copyright 1998 Antinomy Music
Use Me Here
Use me here, where I am
I'm not gonna pray anymore that You'll change your plans
Despite my fear, I place my life in Your hands
the future can wait, tomorrow might be too late,
So Jesus use me here
I lay my heart's desires at Your feet, oh Lord
Take all the plans I've made and all my dreams
Blinded by triumphs of tomorrow I've let sin control today
So many drowning within reach, Father it's time
You heard me say...
I tell myself I want to know Your will, oh Lord
Still I confess I've had plans of my own
But from now on I plan to listen to Your will and to obey
No matter what the future holds I'm gonna live for You today
Written by Darin McWatters and Tim Brinkman
Copyright 1997 Antimony Music/Lustiminosity Music
Mom's cats are junkies.
From: Bruce Stewart
To: Laura Stewart ; Johnny Stewart
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: it's going to be a long winter
So I was just out and picked a huge pocket full of
and they like it so much! It's not a drug!! It just makes them happy!
Monday, November 08, 2004
Prayer, its prayer isn't it?
It seems to me and many others in the First CRC community that we are at the same point there too. The water is boiling but no one knows what is cooking.
This Sunday Tim Sheridan was outlining some directives for the new outreach/missions initiative at First and he spoke about prayer. Until then I had been bruising my brain about where these two communities would be going, how they would be going there and how they would be lead.
Prayer hit me like a tonne of bricks. What way is better to be both a medium and a message to those outside the First and Redeemer communities? No matter what denomination we were raised in, how we feel about election, gay marriage, tithing, 24 hour creational days, we can all agree that as Christians we should pray.
Prayer can/should/will (?) be a catalyst to uniting communities of Christ and to having that attractive light that people will notice. Following 1 Thess 5:17 can do us little damage and that constant communication with the Father can lead us down the path He desires for us.
I know that Redeemer will soon have a real prayer room (not a basement) with which I know there are people who are bubbling over with ideas and initiatives for it. I know that First has got plans in place for prayer walks and prayer groups for specific areas of the church life.
This is a very exciting time. I would challenge you as I challenge myself to truly engage your prayer life. Pray for your community, pray for guidance and it moves into uncharted territory, pray for it to be a shining light in the community, pray for discernment and pray for protection. Pray with others from the community and pray often!
Thursday, November 04, 2004
An Open Letter to Satan
Your cover has been blown. I see you. And I desire, no, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you would leave me alone.
I refuse to let you make myself a victim to mental illness, the weather, the moods of others or bloating. I refuse to only be tired and stressed out and to speak to my Father only once a day. I refuse to think for a moment that God is not always with me and ready to protect me from your greedy grasp.
I hate you. But you know what makes me hate you so much? That you bring my family and friends into the equation. That you would be so low as to take credit for the creationally normative life cycle of my Grandfather, the dying of my friend's Father, another friend's Grandmother, the state of my mother, the death of a a friend's cousin, the death of church members back home.... stay the hell (yeah hell, you know where you belong - forever separated from God) away from my friends, my family and well, all of creation.
You are nothing. I choose not to submit to your dominion.
All I can say is that I cannot wait till you are humbled once and for all!
In His name and His service,
Laura Elizabeth Stewart
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Sometimes you do
Today I was having a conversation with one friend about another mutual friend and the rough time she has been experiencing. We noticed that these choices were of a self destructive nature and did not reflect a closeness with Christ.
After driving home and thinking about that for a while something struck me. During choir tour last year Matt McKenna told me that he saw a lot of growth in me in comparison to my first year at Redeemer. I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. I knew that in large drastic ways I had changed, but not in the subtle Christ like ways that Matt was talking about. Today I understood what he meant. He saw the small choices and actions I had began making that indicated a desire to be more like the One that created me.
That was a cool realization. Prayers and blessings to you who are seeking those same changes and for me who has so many more good choices still to make.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Fight or Flight
There comes a time when you remember the hoard of reading you have put off.
There comes a time when that slew of papers that seemed so far away are only lurking around the corner.
There comes a time when I want to drop out and pick wildflowers for a living.
There comes a time when I have to say, "suck it up princess!"
And all God's people said: Amen!
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Friday, October 29, 2004
Email from Dad
Mom and I just got back from visiting Dad at TGH. When we got there Martha was there. He seemed good. He'd eaten a good supper (turkey with all the extras), has a private room, says the staff has been good to him, was wearing a holter monitor (to see what his ticker is up to), had an ultrasound, had slept for a good part of the afternoon, had bed-head, and generally seemed like himself.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
MVP Manny
Thursday, October 28, 2004
These seizures will become more and more frequent till eventually they kill him. It is sad, but in a way (that Carla showed me) it allows us a chance to tell him the things we want to tell him before he goes rather than having to only say them to other people after he is gone.
Thank you for your prayers.
I'll be splitting my time for the next couple of days between the Pita Pit and Alymer, if you need me email me or call my cell.
Pray for Stirling Stewart
Early this morning we got the call from Grandma saying Grandpa was having "another spell" and she wanted a ride to the hospital. So I whipped on some clothes and when I got to Dorland House they were just taking him out the door on a stretcher to the ambulance. He had apparently rally around this time before the paramedics came. Normally he is still fairly incoherent when they arrive and gets better with some oxygen.
Grandma was just getting dressed and in no hurry because when u get to the hospital, you just sit around and wait til they let you in to see him.
However this time we sat for a very short period of time b4 they came and got Grandma. Grandpa had one of his "spells" in the hospital ! This is a good thing. It lasted about a minute and a half, and was the typical spell with the flailing and calling out and passing out . So they popped him with Valium and Dilantin to stop the seizures.
At this point the Doc ( very nice gentle lady Doc.) made Grandma aware that he was in a coma and may or may not come out of it and IF he did go into a seizure, as per his living will (they asked Gma if he had one and she confirmed this) they would not make heroic efforts to revive him. So there sat Grandma and I watching Grandpa breathe. Grandma thought that "the family" should be notified, so I called Bruce, Peter (who called Paul), and Margaret(who called Martha) and gave them the heads up. The Doc said there was not much point in the family all gathering around while he was in a coma, and I told them all this . Peter, Marg and Jack came anyway.
Around about that time Grandpa started to regain consciousness. When we left he was talking some and had a headache.
Grandpa is in the hospital, in room 19. They will do some tests etc. He is in the best spot, and Grandma is glad he is there. She is scared, and when you offer up a prayer for Grandpa, do so for Grandma too..she needs it.
Will keep u all posted.
xxxAunt Bev
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
A New Club
Rob asked me if I had read a blog entry about Dating to Save. Ie, dating non Christian guys, converting them with your good looks and once they were Christians dropping them.
I think at a school like Redeemer this kind of outreach initiative would fly. There is a large quantity of leggy blondes (many of whom are well endowed - and not just by the Voortman family) that I feel could really show some unenlightened sap at Hess the love of Christ.
So girls, next weekend lets strap on some water bras and tight shirts, book a Redeemer van and witness at the bar!
Friday, October 22, 2004
Happy Birthday Sarah Vedder
I suppose all can be forgiven now that I know.
If you see Ms. Vedder in the halls this fine Friday, touch her on the bum to symbolize her awesomeness and the anniversary of her birth.
2 outta 3 ain't bad
Sorry for the lack of blog this week, life returns to normal next week and I'm sure I'll have all kinds of pithy things to say.
Cul de sac,
Monday, October 18, 2004
That got me thinking about alllll the wasted cups of tea. I know I often make a pot of tea, leave to read while it steeps and then forget about it. I also will often leave cups of tea in my room till they start to grow mold.
Along with the wasted tea are there wasted or forgotten moments that should have gone with the savouring of that hot, steamy tea? Are there missed rendez-vous, missed breaths?
Saturday, October 16, 2004
If you didn't think you were, you should
Ps..i totally wrote mulitcultural (before i spellchecked) which sounds like mulletcultural, which would be an amazing idea for a coffeehouse.
Friday, October 15, 2004
I never thought I would be saying this....
Then when I was a slightly older woman I had a friend named Rachel who tried to tell me that indoor tanning was awesome and relaxing. I told her that there was no way that it could be good. But then in preparation for my cousin's wedding I needed to eliminate nasty tan lines from India - so I tried the tanning - and I LOVE it! It is so fantastically relaxing!
There is just something so natural about being warm and surrounded by white light. Its like a little return to the womb. Mmmmm...womb.
I think I'm getting too girly. Oh wait..I just looked at the hair on my legs..sweet I am still a natural woman! Yesss!
Email from Mom
Subject: HEY HEY HEY
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I was just starting to really get into jazz at the time and like any keen vocalist I got into Ella Fitzgerald and then Billie Holiday. I would spend all of this time listening to Ella and her phrasing and scats and get more and more frustrated with my own short comings.
Then for my 19th birthday my friend Sarah and I got together. I was expressing my frustration and how I thought that I could never become a singer because I could never sound as good as Ella. Then she gave me my present. It was a Billie Holiday CD and in the card it said, "Its not the notes you sing but the soul you bare."
Lightening bolts went off in my brain. DUH! Years of abuse and life had totally altered the sound of her voice to that rough sound we all associate with her. But her soul, oh her soul... Have you ever heard her sing Strange Fruit? Do it sometime, you might cry. Every song about heart ache, pain, oppression - you feel like she is singing all of the songs in direct correlation to life events. She appeals to a different level than that of Ella.
Sometimes I just have to remember that singing is not 100% about the aesthetics of the notes, but the soul behind them.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
In the quiet misty morning
That kind of thinking just drives me crazy on the inside. I stirs up my soul like a hurricane to the east coast. I hate it.
On the weekend I went to visit a family that I am friends with. The husband of this family was a sort of mentor for me while I was a young Christian. He is also the executive director of Northumberland Youth For Christ. Often when I still lived at home I would go to him in a tizzy. I would spew out the things that were making me spin. He would sit there, listen to me, look at me for a minute and then say, "How has your quiet time been?" There would be nothing left for me to say.
There is nothing left for me to say right now. I know if he asked me right now I would fain some excuses about being out of my usual routine due to being sick and going home. And he would look at me again and I would know that my excuses have no validity.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to go do my devotions before school....
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
It Seems
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
As if!
Oy, I don't even think a pineapple would help this situation.
Monday, October 04, 2004
Handmaids Tale
In the general sense it was awesome. It the out-there artsy sense it was awesome too. The Atwood novel demanded a certain amount of non-tradition and as an audience that is was we got. The music kept us on the edge the whole night, never letting us get comfortable (not that the story line would let us either). The sexual nature of the novel was evident in the opera which was not surprising but sometimes uncomfortable. The set was somewhat loosey goosey - which was perfect. The story mandated a certain amount of suspension of belief and the set carried on with that. It was very fitting and allowed the flow of the story to keep going despite the many scene changes. We had a great time.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
In loo...

Monday, September 27, 2004
- DD - peace and healing buddy, peace and healing
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Friday, September 24, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Memories (all alone in the moonlight....)
As I was thinking of this memory or "remembering" I was struck that it was one of the few good memories of my first year dorm that didn't involve alcohol but did involve at least half of the dorm.
Anyway its not even that great of a memory - during first year McDonald's had Two Big Macs for Two Bucks....oh baby. They (the crazy buggers)did this right before or during second semester exams. So my trusty steed Maurice transported my dormmates and I on more than one occasion to exploit the McDonald's corporation.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Driven by a theory that moral corruption is responsible for the fall of society, the religious right has taken over the United States, overthrowing the government and implementing a fundamentalist regime. Women's rights have been restricted under the guise of protection, and those of proven fertility have been enlisted to bear offspring to the childless elite. Offred, one such Handmaid, tells her story of abuse, compassion and sustained hope.
This acclaimed production debuted at the Royal Danish Opera in 2000. It makes its Canadian premiere with the COC.
Sept. 23, 26, 29, Oct. 1, 5 and 9, 2004 at the Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto. Evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m. Sunday matinee performances begin at 2 p.m. Running time is approximately 2 hours, 45 minutes with one intermission.
Sung in English with English SURTITLES™.
Sorry about the date confusion in the email, you'll see all the dates above. Rob reminded me that the 26th is CITB - that's out, or atleast its out for me as I have to spend the afternoon at the school. Oct 9 is the beginning of Thanksgiving. This coming Thursday would be awesome if we didn't have choir till 6:55pm. I dunno, tell what you're thinking....
oh, Rach Legg, you can get tickets from ticket master.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I'm struggling because right now Greek feels like music theory - a demon I was never able to conquer - though I feel it was a demon that I wasn't meant to conquer. I am terrible with straight memory work, I'm an artist. I don't understand how I think, but I know that I do better in a history class when I'm tested on the meanings of revolutions and the impact of certain key players rather than on dates, places and names. So memorizing verb paradigms is like key signatures for me or like math (a class I have failed 3 times in my life)
I'm struggling with a decision to change classes. I have made such a big deal about Greek and have told so many people that I was in the class that it will be a HUGE slice of humble pie to switch into something else. Oh pride issues, I love you.
I'm struggling with the self doubt that clouds me in situations like this; it just seems to trickle into every part of my life. For instance: I've always had a dream of making a career out of singing. So the other day I did a concert for Kat Meerveld and friends, it was small, nice, intimate and truth be told I did a half decent job with my part of it. But post concert is the time Satan loves to attack me - he whispers things in my ear like, "you know they only listen 'cause they call themselves your friends and they have to listen and smile, and really they aren't even your friends they just feel sorry for you" and " your songs aren't that good and you don't sing very well, remember all the yawning, that was because they didn't like you." Sometimes I'm able to dust the devil off my shoulder, but most times his whispers echo in my brain. These echoes are there when I start thinking about Greek and how well maybe just maybe its not a mountain I'm supposed to climb. And then I say well that's cause you suck, remember how you sucked at the concert, remember how you keep gaining weight, remember how you're a tool in choir, remember how nobody called you that one weekend, remember how pathetic you are...and it just keeps going.
Granted, an old me would have drowned herself in a sea of booze to deal with this feeling, but the new me struggles to keep dragging herself into the waiting hands of a Saviour who doesn't believe anything she just typed. The new me is looking, craving discernment about Greek class and a career in music and working with teenagers.
I'm struggling.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Friendly Neighbourhood...
The Moveable Nu
Friday, September 10, 2004
Happy Anniversary

Yeah I know these are big pictures (from their 60th anniversary), but when you've been married this long you deserve big pictures!
Oh, and good news to us non-married types; my Grandpa didn't marry my Grandma until he was 25.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Dating Service
After some retrospection I came to realize that four of my ex-boyfriends were married to or currently engaged to the girl that came directly after me (one is also gay). This lead me realize that my dating relationships with males lead them to discover what exactly they want (or really, what they don't want) in a woman and to go for it with a new found fervor.
My service is that I will date boys who are seeking to know what they really desire in a life-long partner.
These boys can be single, but I will also date boys who are dating someone....allow me to explain: You're dating this really cool girl and you think she is the one for you, so you put it on hold for two weeks, date me, then go back to her and you'll know for sure!
Dating will consist of a minimum of two dinner dates, a movie date and one activity date. These can take place in a short or long period of time, whatever is most appropriate.
In my love for all I have a service for females too. It seems that almost every house I have lived in produces an engaged woman. So I will agree to have females seeking engagement come and live with me. Maybe I can set them up with the boys I'm dating. Who knows.
Book now, availability is limited!
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Happy Birthday Kat!!
So in conclusing Kat is awesome and you should tell her so by any means possible!
Stay tooned for Laura's Catalyst Dating Service.
Remain tooned for whatever witty name we come up with for our house. The only things I've been able to come up with are very dumb.
I have to keep the blogging to a minimum, must get my room cleaned before Lisa and her parents come tomorrow.
But after the move - oh baby prepare for a flood, or at the very least, a strong trickle.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
But when I get this thing back up and in urine tested form - oh baby, oh baby. I'm looking forward to my techno year and may it bring me organization, ease with studying and a GPA above a 6.
K. Whatev.
Friday, August 27, 2004
a letter to a budding Christian
I'm really excited about your recent desire to know more about the One who made you. I'm super excited about your questions on what a life that desires a closeness to and a following of Christ requires.
Maybe this is off base but I might compare being a Christian to exercising or eating well. Both of these things are really good for you but aren't necessarily easy. They take practice, discipline, sacrifice and hard work. And as with leading a physically healthy lifestyle, leading a spiritually lifestyle has so many benefits. The type of benefits that show both outwardly and inwardly.
As you come to know Jesus (and you'll discover that He is AWESOME), you may encounter some obstacles known as friends and family. People who will ask you why you would serve a God who requires that you go to Church every Sunday, that you not drink for sport, and that you not engage in premarital sex. Likely you won't have the answers that will satisfy them - I don't. But you can tell them about a different kind of freedom. A life that frees you from the need to drink your face off, a life that is full of fellowship with other believers, and a life that has so much more richness than succumbing to the whim of every physical desire.
Of course there is also the enemy; Satan (aka the jerk of all jerks)(much jerkier than any ex). He will not be happy about your recent changes in heart (and soul!) Hey may try to run things a muck in your life. But you know you what the cool thing is? All you have to do is call on Jesus (Dear Jesus, Satan is really bugging me. Seriously can you please get him out of my face and out of my life? Protect me. Thanks. Amen.).
It is that simple. Having Jesus as a Saviour is more than just having the closest friend you've ever had. Having Jesus as a Saviour means having Him as a protector, a Father, provider, a love so strong it makes your heart full...just everything you could ever need. He is actually always there for you and always there with you. You don't need to wake Him up or turn Him on. He knows what is in your heart and in your head and loves it when you share that with Him.
I don't think I have the words to adequately describe all of the things Jesus is and can/will be. I will say that I wish my life was more of a testament to His amazingness. In many ways it is - those are the ways in which He continues to bless me. You know the things He has brought me through and that in no way should I be alive and typing this letter. But I am also human and keep deviating from the path He has set before me, and the rules He has graciously and like a parent made for me. Yet, even though I sin He loves me, He wants me to know Him and though I am dirty He keeps wiping me clean and loves spending time with me. Gah! So cool.
So friend, I hope you keep on journeying in the direction of Christ. If I can ever help just let me know.
Love and Hugs,
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Thanks for your prayers.
Prayer Warriors!
Marleah is about to leave the house to go and be with her fiance Tim who will go under the knife this afternoon for an emergency appendectomy. It is routine surgery, but anytime it becomes emergency know. Please pray for Tim and his loved ones as they wade this out.
If I hear anything in the way of updates I will post them here.
Monday, August 23, 2004
I swear I'm not pregnant
I dunno.
New Rule
I wonder
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Voice recognition in my car
Which leads me to a life long wonder...what happens to ideas that get forgot? Is there a realm where these ideas float around? Are they happy when they get used, are they sad when they sit remembered yet unused? Are you allotted only so many, and I should put more pressure on myself to remember them because when I'm 71 I won't have anymore as I used them all up?
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Oh Awkward City
Later today I am singing at the wedding of the lovey Krista Tuininga. This wedding is taking place in Exeter, Ontario (north of London). As I am part of the ceremony it was required of me to be around for the rehearsal. In my infinite wisdom I had decided that I would drive back to Hamilton after the rehearsal. Stupid me, I forgot about jet lag and its oh so fun dizzy spells. So driving two hours from the rehearsal, hanging around in Hamilton, getting ready there, driving two hours back for the wedding and then driving two hours back to the Hammer after started to sound like a very bad idea. A solution would be to stay in the London region..but alas most of the people I know from this region are attending or are IN the wedding of Rachel and Jason in Hamilton today. Arg, what is a girl to do? Well, you call up your buddy Simon, explain that you have just spent 5 weeks with him and wouldn't it be awesome to have me stay at his house. And then your buddy Simon tells you to come on over! Hooray.
So I wake up this morning to find out that Simon and his Mere have to leave around 11am, and that is way to early for me to have make-up hair and dress done, so I figure I have to find somewhere else to get ready..but no, that Smit/LeSieur hospitality extends even further, and they leave me to lock up their place for them. Oh Jesus, you provide when I need!
If you see me at a wedding today give me a poke, 'cause I may be asleep standing up.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Back on Canadian Soil
We landed late last night and are safe and sound in Toronto. I'm just waiting here being debriefed and looking for my parents. My Mom says sweet corn is in season and that she picked a pail of yellow beans, so I'm going to have fresh veggies for supper, oh baby!
I'll try and get some real stuff up here soon, I need to recover from get lag and dial up internet at my parents'.
Call me in Brighton for the next few days, or in Hamilton for the weekend. The cell will be back on my person after this afternoon.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
I Always Have To Find Out the Hard Way
My family is still all around and doing things after this weekends celebrations for my Grandpa's birthday. So we had a bonfire at my parents' house. I had four drinks. Only four. Not four with supper, four with dessert and four at the fire. Just four. Four drinks should do very little to me.
But I only had two meals and less than four hours sleep, so I could understand when it started to hit me a little harder. Then around 2am I decided to pack it in and call it a night. I was feeling pretty queasy, but not too worried because I do not vomit after drinking (especially after 4 drinks).
I get ready for bed, and then I puke, I go to bed and then I puke, I puke twice in the night and a few times this morning. And I think, what on earth is wrong with me!! Then my Mom comes up to me and says, "I was reading the papers that came with your malaria medication and they say to avoid drinking alcohol."
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Coalition for the Extermination of Dial Up Internet
Once I leave the country I'll likely only update the India blog. So check there. Though, if I have funny off colour stories to post, they will exist here! Whoot!
Keep yourselves safe and single till I get back. And then we'll party and pray like its no body's business!
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Which Is More Expensive?
I discovered that since I moved out of my parents house in the fall of '01 I have always lived with at least one person who was a smoker or engaged or both.
And yet, I am neither. I wish I was better at math so I could break down some stats about that. Then next year when I'm needing new roommates I can let them know how likely they are to either start smoking or get engaged.
If you're thinking about living with me next year maybe you should start saving your money (ack...i sound like the ING guy! DUTCH!! ack!)for cigarettes or a wedding.
The Cat Is Out of the Bag
They have started a blog that will document their progress as an engaged couple. So, check their blogs, check the new blog.. but whatever you do, make sure you offer you congratulations!
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Over 200
So to honour myself I'm going to pick out a few highlighty type posts that you can revisit should you choose.
Skittles and Healing
The Aforementioned List
Plug and Play
For Gideon - My Christmas Adventure
From A Close Friend
Brains Please
Open Letter
A throw out to...
Couldn't Decide
Beat Poetry
A Poem
the stars twinkle and laugh
all at me, the fool
you share your light
but not your love
enough to tempt & tease
i share contempt & hate
you see inside my heart
and you see it empty
Monday, June 21, 2004
Volleyball or RJ's Killer Over Hand Serve
Today I am so very sore. In retrospect it may not have been the wisest decision to bike to the school, play volleyball for almost 3 hours and then bike back against the wind. Especially since I hadn't really played vball since highschool - and when I play things I play them hard. My body prints were ALL OVER the sand.
Also today I have some bruising on my fore arms. I'd call that the courtesy call of Ben Goheen and Rob Joustra with their killer serves!
I'll see you guys on the court when I come back in August!

All of those little red marks are broken blood vessels.
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Fun Times @ The Tiki Party!
Mel, Laura and Kate: shaken, not stirred. Notice the awesome lights at the top of the pic
We're a tiki totem pole!
I dunno?!? I guess you have to be this photogenic to be a manager at the Pita Pit
Pictures courtesy of Mel
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Tiki Party
Melissa's Dad has gone ALL out for this gathering. He built a palm tree out of a birch tree and palm leaves (or something like that), he put beige carpet around the tree to make it look like sand. There are tiki torches, a kiddie pool that has lights, and a spiked punch complete with floating gummy sharks! Baby! I am pumped for this.
I stopped by Dollarama to pick up a few 'accessories', ask me for pictures sometime.
Party On!
ps I cannot wait to see Melissa and her Dad's girlfriend Diane in their shell bra's...sweet..I'm jealous.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
I said it and then i couldn't believe that i said it...
"it just makes me want to take off my shirt and put on roller skates.
I finally get to annouce someone
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
It Cuts Me Deep!
The tuning peg (like the whole bloomin' peg) for my G string (insert G-string jokes here) is wrecked. And that hurts me. It means I can't practice...
I should back up. The plastic part of the peg was cracked, I made a note of it and was going to have it fixed when I took it in to the 12th Fret for its yearly(ish)tune up. Then I remembered that I really needed to change my strings before Rachel and Jason's Stag and Doe. So I change les strings. I go to tune the next day and the plastic thing breaks off. Merr. I follow that up with a series of bone-head moves to tune the guitar and end up essentially crushing the metal. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So like I said I can't practice for the S&D, but that leaves me without a 'tar. And cod sarn it I want my guitar! I was fretting about what to do, and this fretting in my own special style was of course out loud - to Marleah and her boyfriend and many others...anyway.. Tim says he can get a buddy's Norman for me to use for Thursday and Friday! Well I'll get it Thursday night and I have to work all day Friday but you know...So I'm glad for that but..
It hurts that my guitar is sick. I don't like it when its sick. Its like a part of me is sick. Oh sickie! Lamentations, lamentations!
I'm dumb. The end.
Its After Midnight So....
You = Awesome
Me = Privileged to be your friend
Everyone = Blessed by you

Tuesday, June 15, 2004
For Father's Day?

Comb Over Cap
Item No: 39171
Price: $14.98
Item is in stock
Red cotton brim with flesh-colored latex top and "stylish" comb-over effect is guaranteed to get laughs--great over-the-hill gag! Adjusts to fit geezers of all sizes!
From: Things You Never Knew Existed
Monday, June 14, 2004
The Up/Down Dichotomy
I think I would have liked to have been around when Hamilton was starting out. Who decided to make the place on top of the hill and at the bottom of the hill the same town? And then you've got Ancaster and Dundas which are almost like little mirrors of each other (with Dundas being much more awesome). It all seems a little ridiculous.
As I was driving to church yesterday I wondered how many businesses would be redundant (and eliminated) if the escarpment flattened out. Also, since there is hoards of housing development going on top of the mountain would there be an extra 100,000 people in Hamilton? Since there is a big bump in the city, taking up space, do you think that they'll try and find a way to make more houses of the slanty variety - right on the escarpment?
Just ponderings.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
when dad wakes up you should tell him that he needs to change your online name
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says: canI do it?
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says: there is the little MSN Messenger icon at the bottom right hand of your screen
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
do you see the icon? it will be a little grey bust of a person
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says:
hey i found it
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
double click on it
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says:
i did
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
did a "window" pop up?
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says:
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
excellent. near the top of that window you'll see your online name
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says:
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
right beside it, to the left will be a little white box with a tiny downwards arrow in it
Chad Sexington sez: "I wish it would quit raining, and I'll probably regret saying that before the summer is over." says:
yes I see it
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
click on it, a menu will come down. choose "Personal Settings"
I'm the Mom, and I say LARGE poutines give you big time drop ass!! says:
ok I typed a new name lets se what happens
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
it worked!
I'm the Mom, and I say LARGE poutines give you big time drop ass!! says:
I'm the Mom, and I say LARGE poutines give you big time drop ass!! says:
I'm so cool!!
!Schenectady! straw hats and fanny packs says:
this is the truth!
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Updated Info on the Stag and Doe, Yo!
The marvelous RACHEL EPPS and the stunning JASON LEGG are soon to be married!
On June 18th,
there’s going to be a HUGE party, and YOU want to be there!
The evening features a BBQ starting at 6:30pm, lots of FANTASTIC games, and an amazing CONCERT starting at 8pm!
This gala is in the wonderful Dylon Nofziger’s backyard, so you will want to come prepared with lawn chairs. The event is also BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze), but there will be lots of delicious refreshments available at the party. The concert features amazing musical talent, such as the great tunes of James Blomendaal, Laura Stewart, Ashley Hayman, Mikey Arce, Nathan Martin, Ben Goheen, and Mira Ponomarenko!
So buy your ticket today! Tickets are $8 and we would love it if you bought them in advance from Mira Ponomarenko at 905-304-6510, Ashley Hayman at 519-622-8026, or Dylon Nofziger at 905-304-9145.
Directions to Dylon’s backyard:
-from the 403 (and/or QEW… just take the QEW to the 403 Brantford):
Take the Garner Road exit. Turn left onto Garner/Rymal Road. Just before the Redeemer University College building, turn left onto Kitty Murry Lane. The house in on the right, and is #421.
-from the LINC take the Garth St exit. Turn away from the lake (if you’re going East take a left) all the way down Garth Street. Almost at the end, turn right on Garner Road/Rymal Road. Just past Redeemer University College, turn right on Kitty Murry Lane, and Dylon’s house is # 421.
Friday, June 11, 2004
Soon and Very Soon
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Something I Love (notice the sarcasm)
Then surprisingly when they all have to come into work the next day they do a shitty job all day and ask others to come in early and cover for them because they aren't feeling well. So then when I come in (with my other evening staff) we are behind on all of the work and have to bust our butts to catch up.
I love it. I just love it.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Happy Birthday Mar!

Monday, June 07, 2004
I love it when my mom sends me emails while she is on drugs...
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Stewart
To: Laura Stewart
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 6:32 PM
Subject: abby just walked in front of the screen
At least she still love me. Dad held her this morning and I tried real hard to get some hair balls combed out of her. Man her yeowled and cried and flattened her ears and got all hot...but she still love me tonight. Gotta love the animals huh!
My teeth hurt but my ear is not blocked any more. In fact my teeth are clean and so are both ears.!!
I hurt and burn in the legs tonight too. Johnny gave me a couple of Tylanol3 and gravol about 15 min ago so that will make me feel better.
I love you.
A Trip To Bramladesh (aka Brampton)
We (Dylon, Alaina, Sandy Newbigin and Dean Schat {the horse}) had many an adventure. These included: making horse calls to other horses, tormenting craft show participants, buying three way toooooo large frosters, taking pictures at the corner of Van Kirk and Van Scott (agh the dutch are everywhere), the small goose/gosling debate, playing catch by the pond, deep conversations with Sandy Newbigin, spraying me with feta, yummy hamburgers, fresh eclairs, Neptune, Patcholi, Fred, Lavermint & Peppendar, and learning how women have no place on the g.o.l.f course.
Also on our way to return a movie we drove through Alaina's old neighbourhood, which is also James Bloemendal's neck of the woods. So in my bold fashion I pounded on Jimmy's door and spent the next half an hour with him, Christy and the rest of our posse. I think he was surprised to have three Redeemerites show up at his door. Sucker.
It would have been a perfect day if not for my stupid head which left me nauseous and quite for most of the night. A little vomiting, some drugs and a night's sleep helped with that.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
I will only be able to update it when I have internet access (duh), and I have NO idea how often that will be.
A New Skill
So this is a pic of me before leaving for Andrea Winslow's (nee Kraay) wedding. Note that even though I have two contacts in, my eyes are two different colours.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Throwing Vegetables or Streaking, I Couldn't Decide
Though I'm not sure the commuters enjoyed having traffic interrupted by a campaign stop. His bus was parked almost in the middle of Westdale's busiest intersection. Plus the police cars, news vehicles and body guards furthered the congestion.
I will admit that I called my parents to tell them that I could see the Prime Minister from the front window of the Pita Pit. And our store owner waited with the crowd for Mr Martin to come off his bus, in hopes that he could convince the Prime Minister to come to the store for a pita. His efforts were in vain.
In fact I have a problem where I can't stop thinking. I know to those who don't know me very well I can seem pretty laid back and casual. But the truth is that I am super anal retentive. SUPER retentive. My bum is actually twice the size it appears to be, but its so tight that it looks smaller.
I am the type of person who likes to have her ducks in a row. It makes me nervous and unsure when they aren't. This used to be a much larger problem then it is now. As a maturing Christian I have been learning to trust that God with take care of my ducks in His own way.
But still I think. And think. And think. Mostly I am preparing for things in my head. I try to think of my activities for a day and what I might encounter while doing those activities and how I'll need to react and such. Its very tiring.
My friend Daryl tried to challenge me on it and said that it was a pride thing. I don't think it is. I think if it was about pride than I would be more outwardly organized and I would be doing different activities.
I think that rather than pride it is an issue of fear and confidence. That if I am not prepared for all things then I may let someone or more likely myself, down. So then I must be prepared for everything. Nice logic.
I do try to curb this thinking. A lot of it can happen at night. So, I rely on my trusty PC to pump out a couple of episodes of the Simpsons to distract me and laugh me to sleep.
I am aware that I am not the only one who cannot get their brain to shut off. Weigh in...
Monday, May 31, 2004
A throw out to...
Dear Fro Yo,
I love you a lot. I know that my monetary situation dictates that we don't see each other often enough. So I wanted you to know that I will always love you, no matter what you do to my stomach or colon.
My favourite parts of you are peach and blueberry. Oh Fro Yo, you're just so awesome. Why do you have to tempt me so? Thank you for being the way you are, even if you are a dangerous rebel. I thank God for you (seriously).
Please have a good day,
Love and Licks,
Laura Stewart
Sparkle Gel
Then I grew my hair out. And after awhile I had dreads put in. I had these dreads for the banquet in first year and to spice them up my unknowing self put the blueberry sparkle gel onto the dreads. Let me tell you I was finding sparkles for months afterwards.
So the gel went into storage. Until Saturday night when I had a spontaneous urge to gel my hair. Out came the sparkle gel, but the memories of what a pain in the ass it is didn't come with it.
By the end of the night I was covered head to toe in sparkles and I am still finding them in the oddest of places.
There should really be a sparkle gel awareness website.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
An Early Morning Shout Out!
She is:
c)one heck of a friend
d)super observant
e)always willing to go the distance
h)set on God
j)hard working
m)a great hugger
p)very musical
r)with a good head on her shoulders
t)crazy enough to be roommates with Melissa Kuipers!
u)a good sister
v)a loving daughter
w)a willing employee
x)really hospitable
and z)just great and i love her lots!
Way to be awesome Kat!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
A Report/Reflection On My Weekend Preaching experience
I spent 18 years attending this church. Both of my parents have served as stewards and elders during this time period. My Grandparents, my Uncle Peter and my great Aunt Doris also attend the church. I know this church in side out and receive very regular updates on the happenings regardless of if I have requested them.
I also have a strong dislike for this church. I find it very dead and unwilling to grow. During my time there I tried in many ways to facilitate anything, with very limited results.
So when an oppourtunity came to speak to the people who claim they have raised me I jumped at it. Though after I wondered what I may have got my self into. How do you tell a group of people that you love dearly (though often want to strangle) that they need to be hit in the face with the 2x4 of God?
After some prayer and thought I decided on a theme of unity. I picked Eph 4 to speak on and tried to emphasize the need for them as a congregation to come together and act as one body; that they needed peace. I came from the angle that they were rooted in the historical mission of the Church and couldn't abandon that for petty bickering. I also tried to encourage them to encourage each other more, and to recognize the gifts that lay within the congregation itself.
I was afraid that I would end up at the back of the church at the end of the service shaking peoples' hands to silence and dirty looks. But I got so much positive feedback. A lot of people said they had a lot to think about, others really liked the historical aspect, and one tight-assed farmer told me he got goosebumps.
God is great! I was seriously scared about the outcome of delivering this message. I knew it had to be said, and who better than I to say it, but whoo Lordy am I ever glad it went over well. God really opened some hearts and ears.
Now lets all hope I never preach again.
Kudos or Props
Today's Props go out to:
Sarah Vaughn and her magnificent voice. She has one of the greatest gifts of phrasing that I have ever heard. Her music is like butter for the ears. She also seems to have great arrangements too. Whoot.
My Mom and her ability to procure anything second handed. I was in need of curtains, a microwave and a toaster for my new place. And for a grand total of 20$ I now have all three. Way to go Mom.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Tough Weekend To Be A Farmer
Remind me not to marry a farmer.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
You better
Make or Break
At the Pita Pit things are slightly slower in the summer due to the lack of university students. So most shifts only have two people working them. A manager, and a normal staff person. This puts some pressure on the manager. They are responsible for EVERYTHING, and there is a lot for two people to do.
Ok, so where is this little rant going? There is an employee that I work with a lot, who is one of the sweetest people I know. But he is slower than anything that you can think of that is slow. And I have to babysit him. He's been working at the store for a while now, and works mostly the same shifts, so he should know the routine. But I am constantly having to urge him to do things and to pick up the pace so we can get customers out in a timely manner. Agh.
If I was regular employee girl it wouldn't matter so much, I could just work hard, try to pick up some of his slack, whatever. But when there is only the two of us, and I am responsible for the entire store and its functions, then it makes a difference. I can't just trust him to do what needs to be done. Argh.
I think I need to talk to him about it, or to one of the general managers, 'cause I may have a break down over this guy. Whatever, a month and a few weeks till India.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
A Trend I'll Go With
create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
This will be accurate after August 11, 2004.
You Dutch kids should be familiar with the red fleck in Europe ;)
Monday, May 17, 2004
Only in the United Church
Anyway, there was a bit of a witch hunt this past winter and a good chunk of the congregation was hunting the pastor. Things happened, rulings were made and things were supposed to be settled. The pastor had to take all of these classes, and do essays and crap like that, all while pastoring two churches. Well lo and behold, she is stressed-to-the-limit and her doctor has ordered her to take two months off.
So the church is taking care of sermons for the first month. I am leading the service and delivering the sermon this coming Sunday. (evil laugh) Here's to hoping that God speaks some sense to them through me.
Jesus, God, Bible?
Dharshika: (reading the cover) "On this day I will marry my friend", shouldn't it say best friend? She's marrying her best friend.
Laura: No stupid, Jesus is her best friend. She's not becoming a nun!
Sunday, May 16, 2004
It seems that when talking with friends recently at some point the conversation ends up at marital status, or something on personal philosophies about the opposite sex. There is really nothing wrong with this.
But does anyone else feel a weird sort of pressure? The pressure to be paired. I mean its not really there. No one is actually applying it. Though there are many of us that feel it. I should note that it is a specific type of "us". The single "us".
I had a great chat with a friend this weekend about singlehood and the like. She made a great note. She said that her friends at secular universities are not nearly as captivated by the marriage/love finding thing. They are comfortable with being in their early to mid twenties and being "alone".
That really hit home to me that I get easily caught up in the MRS degree fever. That I see all of these couples getting married (most of whom are younger than I) and my nesting syndrome kicks in double time. Why?
After talking to God about it, He really just told me to relax, "easy Nitro!" I am only weeks away from being 23, there is loads of time to pick up an intended. Why must I have my 'man'dar (like radar only sexier) on all the time and have it searching so hard? Seriously, I need to relax.
Maybe if I wasn't always pushing my agenda instead of going with God's I'd that I'm being called to a celibate life, or that I have so much to do before I find a husband, or that He and I have some things to work on. There are a million things I'm deaf to hearing because I'm trying to shove myself into a formula that was developed for someone else. I have my own formula.
Just relax Stewie, just breathe.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Endless Amusement
Katrina = quatrain
Meerveld = marbled
Peterborough = featherbrained (whatever!)
Dharshika = (nothing)(suckers)
Kraay = Karachi
I love you Quatrain Marbled, I'll see you on Friday.
What A Terrible Idiot Am I!!
Maybe you should pray for me if I can forget something like that. Tisk, tisk, shameful.
Oh What A Beautiful Morning
Last night I picked flowers out of my back garden and then spent the rest of the evening in fellowship with some cool people. And the cool people train is going to keep on rolling! What fortune I have to get off work early enough to catch part of the choir bbq! And it gets better; Friday daylight is to be spent with the lovely Katrina Meerveld, Friday evening my friend Kim is coming to visit me. Kim is one of those awesome married with kids type people. I don't see enough of her, but living in Peterborough will do that. The train doesn't stop at Kim though. Also on Friday night Dharshika comes into town so that on Saturday we can go to Andrea Kraay's wedding. Wahoo.
I feel bad for next week, as it will sadly be unable to even compare itself to this week. There, there next week, its ok, stop your crying.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Pre, For sure Pre!
Anyway, in the stuff they have been going through there are things they want to remain in the family, so there has been divvying (is that how you spell that?) going on. My Mom garnered for me some of my grandmother's old toys.
The toys consist of a a broom and a mop. The broom is actually more like a carpet sweeper and comes with a replacement head. The mop comes with floor oil.
Now I don't count myself to be much of a feminist, but I can't help but gasp at how pre-feminist revolution a mop and floor oil are as toys for a little girl. Oy.
Monday, May 10, 2004
So I got what looks like my work schedule until I leave for India. Thought I'd share it with you in case you were ever thinking of doing something with me.
Mon - Thurs: 5pm-10pm
Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: 11pm-close (4am plus cleaning)
It may may shift a little here and there. Ie working will 11pm or starting at 4pm or whatever. And this set schedule starts on Monday the 17th.
Now you know.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Hy, My Name Is...What!
The most difficult thing about my name is that there are two different spellings of it. EW and UA, I don't mind defining which one it is. Not a challenging thing. Or so I thought.
It wasn't until I came to Redeemer that I discovered that in reality my name is uber hard to spell. I guess hanging out with Christian kids adds another version to the spelling list. One that ends in D.
So I'm here to set the record straight. My last name is spelled: Stewart. My preferred spelling of my nickname is Stew(ie). Please no Stu, or Stuart, or Steward. I understand that you really have know way of knowing which way it is spelled and I can't be mad. But if you read this, just tuck it away in that brain of yours and next time you're writing my name, please spell it correctly.
I think that if I can adapt to spelling Vander van De Huizingspaalmenstrasma correctly, you can learn my name.
Thanks :)
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Sometimes you feel foolish
Agh, my heart. I cried a little, and with this post I officially move on.
Count to 10 and then think
If you go into a restaurant or a store and for some reason you think the prices are too high, the place should be organized differently, the furniture should be clear..anything operational about the place...please think about who you share those things with and how you choose to share it.
Yelling at a kid wearing a visor and apron (or any other uniform) is not going to get you anywhere. I hate to tell you but, that kid can't do a thing about the price of the product. If you have a problem take it up with the owner, the head of the franchise chain, anyone other than the poor sap who is making much less than you do, and is serving you.
Thank you.
Monday, May 03, 2004
My Thoughts On It
I went on choir tour. And I'm not sure how I can convey the experience to anyone who has never done such a thing. It has been equated to a week at camp or a retreat and everyone gets all close and high on the experience. There are a lot of good things about that comparison, but it doesn't do a good tour full justice.
There is something different about touring with a choir that will keep going. You will see so many of these people again in the fall and start working towards building a group that can worship God to its fullest capacity. As a group you can draw on the experiences of the previous tour. When you are tired or frustrated you can remember Edmundston and Grenville, you can remember the beauty of that worship, you can remember and see what the choir (with God) is capable of.
With those things in mind you can keep in sight that choir is not about being yelled at (A,B), soaring solos (S,T), classes or filling seats. When you have looked into the eyes of moved audience member or graduating student you know that it is all about our beautiful Creator God, and He is awesome.