Monday, May 31, 2004

Sparkle Gel

Many moons ago my hair was quite short and most days I gelled it. As a gift one year my Mom bought me blueberry sparkle gel. I really like blueberry and she really likes things that sparkle. This gel was fine in my short easily managed hair. I loved to put it in for special occasions.

Then I grew my hair out. And after awhile I had dreads put in. I had these dreads for the banquet in first year and to spice them up my unknowing self put the blueberry sparkle gel onto the dreads. Let me tell you I was finding sparkles for months afterwards.

So the gel went into storage. Until Saturday night when I had a spontaneous urge to gel my hair. Out came the sparkle gel, but the memories of what a pain in the ass it is didn't come with it.

By the end of the night I was covered head to toe in sparkles and I am still finding them in the oddest of places.

There should really be a sparkle gel awareness website.

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