Monday, November 08, 2004

Prayer, its prayer isn't it?

I've been reading the increasing number of blogs about the need for some sort of movement in Redeemer. It seems as though we are at a cusp, a point were we need to grow and set ourselves apart or get very happy with our current rut. As the adage goes - go big or go home.

It seems to me and many others in the First CRC community that we are at the same point there too. The water is boiling but no one knows what is cooking.

This Sunday Tim Sheridan was outlining some directives for the new outreach/missions initiative at First and he spoke about prayer. Until then I had been bruising my brain about where these two communities would be going, how they would be going there and how they would be lead.

Prayer hit me like a tonne of bricks. What way is better to be both a medium and a message to those outside the First and Redeemer communities? No matter what denomination we were raised in, how we feel about election, gay marriage, tithing, 24 hour creational days, we can all agree that as Christians we should pray.

Prayer can/should/will (?) be a catalyst to uniting communities of Christ and to having that attractive light that people will notice. Following 1 Thess 5:17 can do us little damage and that constant communication with the Father can lead us down the path He desires for us.

I know that Redeemer will soon have a real prayer room (not a basement) with which I know there are people who are bubbling over with ideas and initiatives for it. I know that First has got plans in place for prayer walks and prayer groups for specific areas of the church life.

This is a very exciting time. I would challenge you as I challenge myself to truly engage your prayer life. Pray for your community, pray for guidance and it moves into uncharted territory, pray for it to be a shining light in the community, pray for discernment and pray for protection. Pray with others from the community and pray often!

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