Sunday, May 16, 2004


So I went to another Redeemer wedding yesterday. One of many happening this summer. One of many past, present and future. Its a great relationship breeding ground.

It seems that when talking with friends recently at some point the conversation ends up at marital status, or something on personal philosophies about the opposite sex. There is really nothing wrong with this.

But does anyone else feel a weird sort of pressure? The pressure to be paired. I mean its not really there. No one is actually applying it. Though there are many of us that feel it. I should note that it is a specific type of "us". The single "us".

I had a great chat with a friend this weekend about singlehood and the like. She made a great note. She said that her friends at secular universities are not nearly as captivated by the marriage/love finding thing. They are comfortable with being in their early to mid twenties and being "alone".

That really hit home to me that I get easily caught up in the MRS degree fever. That I see all of these couples getting married (most of whom are younger than I) and my nesting syndrome kicks in double time. Why?

After talking to God about it, He really just told me to relax, "easy Nitro!" I am only weeks away from being 23, there is loads of time to pick up an intended. Why must I have my 'man'dar (like radar only sexier) on all the time and have it searching so hard? Seriously, I need to relax.

Maybe if I wasn't always pushing my agenda instead of going with God's I'd that I'm being called to a celibate life, or that I have so much to do before I find a husband, or that He and I have some things to work on. There are a million things I'm deaf to hearing because I'm trying to shove myself into a formula that was developed for someone else. I have my own formula.

Just relax Stewie, just breathe.

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