Sunday, May 09, 2004

Hy, My Name Is...What!

My entire life I have been under the impression that my last name is easy to spell. There are only 7 letters, its fairly common and growing up most of the people on my road shared that same last name (no, I'm not from Dunnville).

The most difficult thing about my name is that there are two different spellings of it. EW and UA, I don't mind defining which one it is. Not a challenging thing. Or so I thought.

It wasn't until I came to Redeemer that I discovered that in reality my name is uber hard to spell. I guess hanging out with Christian kids adds another version to the spelling list. One that ends in D.

So I'm here to set the record straight. My last name is spelled: Stewart. My preferred spelling of my nickname is Stew(ie). Please no Stu, or Stuart, or Steward. I understand that you really have know way of knowing which way it is spelled and I can't be mad. But if you read this, just tuck it away in that brain of yours and next time you're writing my name, please spell it correctly.

I think that if I can adapt to spelling Vander van De Huizingspaalmenstrasma correctly, you can learn my name.

Thanks :)

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