Monday, June 21, 2004

Volleyball or RJ's Killer Over Hand Serve

Yesterday after church I joined the beach volleyball crew for the first time. It was excellent fun and a had an awesome time. I did find it funny that the only two girls there were both named Laura (and we rocked the court!).

Today I am so very sore. In retrospect it may not have been the wisest decision to bike to the school, play volleyball for almost 3 hours and then bike back against the wind. Especially since I hadn't really played vball since highschool - and when I play things I play them hard. My body prints were ALL OVER the sand.

Also today I have some bruising on my fore arms. I'd call that the courtesy call of Ben Goheen and Rob Joustra with their killer serves!

I'll see you guys on the court when I come back in August!

All of those little red marks are broken blood vessels.

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