Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I don't really have anything to say

Um lets do this in letter form.

Dear You,
How are you? I'm doing well. Though today I am pretty tired and filled with PMS. Mmmm PMS. Should be good for the choir rehearsals. How is your family doing? I heard your Dad got a new job. How is that going for him?

Did you know I'm going to India? Yeah, this summer for 5 weeks. Its with the missions organization SIM. The other people that are going are also from Redeemer. They are Dylon, Simon, Mark, Brian and Alaina (Alaina being the coolest of them all). I'm pretty excited. We'll be running to VBS's, visiting hospital patients and working with existing missionaries. Its kind of nerve wracking too. We each have to raise almost 4000$, and there is a lot of training to do. Though God has already been really good to me in preparation. As a general note, God is cool.

So you remember how my brother used to live in Jersey. Well now he lives in Iowa. What a boy! He's on another scholarship and seems to be having a much better go of it. We are all glad. Though I miss him terribly. I really want to fly down and visit for a weekend or something. He won't be done school until May. That's a long time.

My Mom is doing much better. She has been able to drive into town a few times and is really enjoying the independence. So is my Dad. They also got a new cat. Mom said it was to help Abby overcome her life long shyness. Whatever, his name is Zeus and apparently he is a real boy. I will get to meet him in a few weeks.

Choir is going well. I'm excited about this semester's repitoire. I'm even more excited about the tour. We're going to the east coast. Wooooo! The first stop is in Kingston and my whole family will be there. We're doing a Robbie Burns poem set to music. Very perfect to be sung with a 90 year old man named Sterling Stewart in the audience. Oh Grandpa.

Its snowing quite heavily here. They cancelled night classes. Should be fun for the driving home. Poo.

Well I must be on to other things,

Love and Hugs,


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