Monday, March 22, 2004

Feelings of Inadequacy

Sometimes (read:most) choir makes me feel completely and utterly inadequate. If it weren't for my love of the Lord, my love of singing, and my pig-headed Scotch attitude I wouldn't be in it.

Its just that there are so many super talented people within the choir. And then I look at myself and wonder what I'm bringing to the ensemble. Most of the time I can think of little more than the deliverance of a well timed joke ( the shower....I have a crush on Luther). Other than maybe some hand percussion instruments I cannot play an instrument well enough to help the choir in a performance or practice setting. I can't even play the piano well enough to plunk out notes for myself.

This lack of instrumentation leads to my oh so poor site reading skills. Oh I take risks, and every time I sound like an ass. An ass trying to understand a Mozart alto line. I'm bringing down those who sit near me. Ask them, they'll tell you the truth.

I just shake my head and wonder that with so much dedication and talent available to him, why Dr T would let me back into the choir.

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