Friday, May 04, 2007

Update: The Long Version

I'm going home after school (yes, school. i am back in school after less than a week turn around. death) on Saturday (yes, school. there is school on Saturday. death) to pick up a car. I'm excited for this trip for a couple of reasons. One is that I will have a car that isn't actively trying to get me killed. Another is that I haven't seen my family since reading break in February. That is too long when you live in the same province.

I will be staying at home for part of Monday as well to attend the funeral of a dear family friend, Ruth. She was a super tight friend of my Aunt Martha's. And because Ruth didn't really have family in the area she got adopted by our family. So for almost 10 years she has been a part of the Stewart family. She was diagnosed with cancer in mid November and passed away on Tuesday night. We will miss her a lot.

Last night I had an interview for the job I would really like. I feel it went well and that God and I were accurately represented. Now I play the waiting game, which is scheduled to end by the 11th of this month. Eeee.

Natalie and I have decided on an apartment and we are just trying to get a confirmed third roommate. If you're interested let me know, we can enter into dialogue.

So, although I can't scratch house, car or job off the list there is indeed more progress and really, as long as we're moving forward its ok, right?

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