Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Series

So as you may have interpreted from the previous post (or as i am about to illuminate for you) one of my friends died and my Grandma Stewart is in the hospital.

I'm warning you now that there will probably be about a week's worth of posts on these subjects as I sort through some of the emotions. And really what better way than to do it through blogging. The warning is so you know what is coming and can avoid it if you want.

Why not get this party started...

The friend that died has a name: Crystal Williams. We went to school together from Grade 5 through to the end of OAC. I'm not gonna lie and tell you that we were the best of friends all the way through. In elementary school we were a part of a group of 5 girls who were very close. In high school we took a lot of drama classes together and because we were in the same wacked out French program we had geographies, histories, languages and stuff together. So we spent a lot of time together. Her Mom taught at our high school and taught me something to do with computers.

The first time I did Seven Minutes in Heaven was at Crystal's house, the closest I've come to being arrested was because of something I did at a party at Crystal's house, I saw a made for TV movie about Amy Fisher at Crystal's house and many more memories.

And its the memories that are getting me right now. When I learned of her death on Friday afternoon it started a movie in my mind. A movie replaying any interacting with Crystal that it could remember; both good and bad. A lot of people from my graduating class showed up at the funeral and sitting with them and spending time with them, looking at pictures, brought back so many more memories. So now I have all of these memories playing around in my head and all of it is juxtaposed by the fact that there will be no new memories made. Khattam-Shud.

At the reception after the funeral I was talking to Crystal's Mom. She pointed out a picture of the 5 of us girls from elementary school (gr 8) that had been professionally done and was hanging at the chapel. And she said that I had been a big part of Crystal's life and that I should never forget that. When I got home to my parents' place I dug out my last year book. I found what Crystal wrote to me: "Waura! You've made a huge impression on my life! I'll never forget you! See you around, Love Crystal Williams XOXO" Well Crystal, I'll never forget you either and as the pastor said, that is how you will keep on living.

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