Thursday, November 30, 2006

Not Scary

Remember last week's post with the (bad) pictures of my red, swollen arms? That was another fun allergic reaction to my shots! I had to take lots of Benadryl and ice my arm and all that other exciting stuff. Anyway, the doctor wondered why I haven't had so much as a bump on my arm when I leave the office, but then 4 hours later I have an escarpment forming.

I mentioned to him that instead of taking the not as strong but longer lasting anti-histamines like Allegra, Reactin, Aerius, etc I was just taking Benadryl, because that's what I had around. He thought that maybe it was the strength of the Benadryl that was keeping reactions away at the office and that as it wore off at home that's why I had my reactions.

So he told me not to take anything before I come in and he knocked me down to the first dose of vial 2. Now, we've been over this vial thing a bit, but lets refresh... Three vials, each vial is progressively stronger, and I get a progressively larger dose - So, I would start with vial 1, I'd get 0.05somethings of vial one, the next week 0.1 and so on until I don't know 1.0? I think there are only 4 or 5 doses for each bottle. Anyway, my troubles started part way through vial 2 and it took a solid 3 months to get through it. This is because every time I had a reaction, for the next week's shot I would have to go down 2 or 3 doses. So the doctor took me back down to 0.05 of vial two with no antihistamine.

I was a little worried. Not big worried that I was going to die, but um, cautious. Chelsea came with me just in case. I'm kinda glad she did. I got my shots and after about 10min they asked me how I was, and I was really ok. Then I started to get pretty dizzy, my chest started to tighten up, Chels said I was getting Rosy cheeked and I was just feeling bwah. After around 40min they came back to check me. The nurse looked at my arms (and there were only little bumps and a tiny bit of redness), but didn't ask me anything. Since my arms looked good she told me I could go. So I did.

Chelsea took me back to her place where I spent the next few hours on her bed feeling drunk and weirded out. But then I had to go for so much performing. I went through the afternoon and the evening with a fever, a headache and an urge to not breath deep. As the evening went on I felt better and better.

So go my body! It had to fight a little (ok, sort of a lot - but i didn't want to get all fussed over at the doctor's office, and it turned out ok), but this morning I'd say that other than a little rasp in the chest, you wouldn't even know what had happened!

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