Lent starts tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) and once again I will be observing it. I'm (if you can use this term to describe lent) craving lent this year. Sometimes I'm not so excited about it, but as you can possibly infer based on the last few posts that I feel like I'm sliding a bit. So I really want to take the time to do some spiritual spring cleaning.
I do need your help though. Like last year I'm trying to clean my language and my head. So I'm giving up swearing and talking dirty. Because I do both of those so often its going to be hard to quit cold turkey. Therefore if you hear me do either one you have the right to kick me in the shins. (Some people are going to enjoy that.)
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Hey Jerks
Choir tickets and Mainstage tickets are onsale now. I'm in both. Come to them or one or whatever, just don't make me stick a fork in your neck.
For more information & ticket sales, please call the box office at (905) 648-2139 ext. 4211 or toll-free (877) 779-0913
For more information & ticket sales, please call the box office at (905) 648-2139 ext. 4211 or toll-free (877) 779-0913
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Routine Spirituality
As spontaneous or random as you may perceive me to be, it is a lie. Those who have lived with me realize that I am a creature of routine and habit. I love my routines. They keep me on track. They help keep me sane. I am able to adjust to changes in the grand sense but spiritually I have been struggling.
Five days a week I go to school. I wake up an hour and fifteen minutes before I need to leave the house. This allows me to spend thirty minutes doing devotions and forty-five getting ready to leave the house (although in theory devotions are part of that getting ready thing). This is great. I love that time, I cherish it. All semester I've had Saturday mainstage rehearsals, so I've kept the same routine. And church is at the same time every Sunday, so same morning routine. Excellent, everything is on track. Whoot, whoot.
Then comes a diversion in the routine, say something like, oh, I don't know...reading break. Dum, dum dum! I don't need to be up for a certain time (except both Saturdays and Sundays), I can just take my time. And its on those days that setting aside that time doesn't seem to have that same priority.
In my head I'm saying "sleep a little more sister, yeah that's it. Ok, now turn on the computer, check your email, you've got alllllllll day to do things, you can do your devos later. It's not like God's going anywhere. Relax."
In my heart I'm saying, "you should do your devos. You know if you don't do them now you won't do them later. You'll get distracted for a whole day."
And then I get up and do some half-assed reading/prayer thing and piss the rest of the day away. Awesome Laura, you're on fire for the Lord. Look at you go. How do you do it?
Umm, no. Though maybe its not devotions....
I know a lot of people who get more done when they have more to do?
You know those weeks when you have three papers, a test and a presentation to do? And you manage to get all of it done plus the stuff you normally do and you were still able to help your friend out as she broke up with her boyfriend? Right. So how do I fight that time thing? How do I live with a purpose on days when I don't have a clear agenda?
Five days a week I go to school. I wake up an hour and fifteen minutes before I need to leave the house. This allows me to spend thirty minutes doing devotions and forty-five getting ready to leave the house (although in theory devotions are part of that getting ready thing). This is great. I love that time, I cherish it. All semester I've had Saturday mainstage rehearsals, so I've kept the same routine. And church is at the same time every Sunday, so same morning routine. Excellent, everything is on track. Whoot, whoot.
Then comes a diversion in the routine, say something like, oh, I don't know...reading break. Dum, dum dum! I don't need to be up for a certain time (except both Saturdays and Sundays), I can just take my time. And its on those days that setting aside that time doesn't seem to have that same priority.
In my head I'm saying "sleep a little more sister, yeah that's it. Ok, now turn on the computer, check your email, you've got alllllllll day to do things, you can do your devos later. It's not like God's going anywhere. Relax."
In my heart I'm saying, "you should do your devos. You know if you don't do them now you won't do them later. You'll get distracted for a whole day."
And then I get up and do some half-assed reading/prayer thing and piss the rest of the day away. Awesome Laura, you're on fire for the Lord. Look at you go. How do you do it?
Umm, no. Though maybe its not devotions....
I know a lot of people who get more done when they have more to do?
You know those weeks when you have three papers, a test and a presentation to do? And you manage to get all of it done plus the stuff you normally do and you were still able to help your friend out as she broke up with her boyfriend? Right. So how do I fight that time thing? How do I live with a purpose on days when I don't have a clear agenda?
Jo and I watched some tv tonight. The show we were watching ended and I got up.
"You know what I wish?"
"No.", she said.
"I wish school wasn't starting tomorrow."
"I know!" We shared that knowing glance. The one where we both know that we didn't get enough work done over the week and that the semester is only going to look like a snowball rolling down a mountain from here on in.
"This is why I want a job that is 9-5.", I proclaimed. "One where I leave work at work. I don't want to be a teacher. I don't want to have to mark, to make lesson plans, or to be worried about that one kid who isn't doing so well because his parents are divorcing!"
"I know."
And that got me thinking...I'm a year and a bit away from graduating, less than four months from turning 25 and what? And what? That means nothing and everything. It means that all of the jobs I think I would like to do, that would have meaning for me, that I think God is steering me towards are not at all the kind of jobs that I would flourish in.
Lets be realistic here. Teaching, youth ministry, performance or any combination of the three: none of these are black and white. You don't punch in and out of a day of music or play rehearsals or working with inner city youth through drama. You don't have weekends free when you're a teacher, or if you do then you are a well organized person. I am not a well organized person, not at all. And all of these vocations also require discipline. Uh, the first two words that people use to describe me are not disciplined and hard-working. Nope. I wouldn't use those words about me either. I'm lazy, I love to procrastinate, I'm hard to motivate, and the list goes on. These are not good characteristics for these sort of positions.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not discounting the power of the Almighty to supply me with these skills or to build them up in me or whatever. But looking at myself right now and looking at where I think I might be in 1-2 years, well, I'm trying to do the math and it doesn't add up.
"You know what I wish?"
"No.", she said.
"I wish school wasn't starting tomorrow."
"I know!" We shared that knowing glance. The one where we both know that we didn't get enough work done over the week and that the semester is only going to look like a snowball rolling down a mountain from here on in.
"This is why I want a job that is 9-5.", I proclaimed. "One where I leave work at work. I don't want to be a teacher. I don't want to have to mark, to make lesson plans, or to be worried about that one kid who isn't doing so well because his parents are divorcing!"
"I know."
And that got me thinking...I'm a year and a bit away from graduating, less than four months from turning 25 and what? And what? That means nothing and everything. It means that all of the jobs I think I would like to do, that would have meaning for me, that I think God is steering me towards are not at all the kind of jobs that I would flourish in.
Lets be realistic here. Teaching, youth ministry, performance or any combination of the three: none of these are black and white. You don't punch in and out of a day of music or play rehearsals or working with inner city youth through drama. You don't have weekends free when you're a teacher, or if you do then you are a well organized person. I am not a well organized person, not at all. And all of these vocations also require discipline. Uh, the first two words that people use to describe me are not disciplined and hard-working. Nope. I wouldn't use those words about me either. I'm lazy, I love to procrastinate, I'm hard to motivate, and the list goes on. These are not good characteristics for these sort of positions.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not discounting the power of the Almighty to supply me with these skills or to build them up in me or whatever. But looking at myself right now and looking at where I think I might be in 1-2 years, well, I'm trying to do the math and it doesn't add up.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Just to let you know...
Jo = trouble maker
She and I have a nice place to live on Southcote for next year.
She and I have a nice place to live on Southcote for next year.
Dear Secret Boyfriend,
Well Valentines Day has come and gone. I understand that maybe you're a little shy and taking me out to a public place may not be your thing. So I have another idea for you. The Johnny Cash movie comes out next week. I haven't seen it yet. So, why don't you rent it and come over to my place. We can cuddle.
I'm pretty sure that since you're my secret boyfriend you know where I live. I'll be sitting on the tiger skin rug waiting for you!
Affectionately yours,
Well Valentines Day has come and gone. I understand that maybe you're a little shy and taking me out to a public place may not be your thing. So I have another idea for you. The Johnny Cash movie comes out next week. I haven't seen it yet. So, why don't you rent it and come over to my place. We can cuddle.
I'm pretty sure that since you're my secret boyfriend you know where I live. I'll be sitting on the tiger skin rug waiting for you!
Affectionately yours,
Laura needs:
Go to google, type "[your name] needs" and write the first ten appropriate responses...
- Laura needs advice on her combi boiler.
- Laura needs your help. She has been chosen to compete in a contest for a San Francisco rock radio station.
- Laura needs you." The mention of her five-year-old daughter's name was enough.
- Dr. Laura needs to take responsibility for her words and apologize to her listeners.
- Laura needs plastic surgery.
- Laura needs to do something better than googling her name!
- Laura needs a room mate!!
- Laura Needs your Help.
- Laura needs to obtain all manner of transport.
- Laura needs more fat, less carbs.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
My Dad and my brother are both cheeky individuals. After the Canadian Men's Hockey team back to back losses both of them changed their MSN names to something having to do with Janet Gretzky having bets on the Fins and the Swiss and that being the reason we lost those games. Cheeky.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
I'm safely back in Brighton and settling in for a day of watching the Olympics and the Daytona 500. Sigh, I love it!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Good and Hilarious
More good news! I found out this afternoon I'm going to be recieving my lost wages through WSIB from when I was off work with that crazy insect bite thing. I'm actually going to get that money. Praise the Lord!
This is hilarious. The language is a little crude, and once it gets a little blasphemous, but altogether so very freaking funny.
This is hilarious. The language is a little crude, and once it gets a little blasphemous, but altogether so very freaking funny.
I Get To Go Home!

The barn pictures are so you can see what 'home' looks like. I don't really have pics of the house we live in now. But this is our biggest barn. Its nice, but I don't sleep there much. Though... I did teach myself to roller blade in that big open aisle that you can see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Catering My Wedding
These people will be catering my wedding with their nachos. And I'm inclined to agree with their site, ". . . Gift Certificates make the perfect gift for any occasion. . ."
Little Lies
I enjoy modern praise music. It is a great form of expression in my opinion. But it is during these songs that I realize that I am a liar. For instance, today during Chapel we were singing You Are Holy. At the end of the chorus we sing the phrase "You're my Prince of Peace and I will live my life for you!" And then I think, "Am I? Will I?" I'll agree that He is my Prince of Peace, but although I've made a commitment to him, can I really say that I will live my life for him, my whole entire life? Can I really say that? I can say that I'll try, but often I don't even try.
The song Today always convicts me in this way. I think maybe I would be better with it if the lyrics were a little more realistic for myself. I think that would look a little like this:
Today I choose to try and follow you, while I remember to
Right now I choose to give my 'yes' to you
Today I choose to listen to your voice for the next five minutes
Today I will consider thinking about following you, but likely won't, or won't do a good job of it
Now don't get me wrong, I see the benefit in not praising with a defeatist attitude and that kind of thing. But sometimes I'm I feel like I'm singing lies.
The song Today always convicts me in this way. I think maybe I would be better with it if the lyrics were a little more realistic for myself. I think that would look a little like this:
Today I choose to try and follow you, while I remember to
Right now I choose to give my 'yes' to you
Today I choose to listen to your voice for the next five minutes
Today I will consider thinking about following you, but likely won't, or won't do a good job of it
Now don't get me wrong, I see the benefit in not praising with a defeatist attitude and that kind of thing. But sometimes I'm I feel like I'm singing lies.
More pictures eh?
Remember how a couple falls ago I was in my cousin's wedding? And then do you remember how said cousin had a baby late this fall? Well here is a picture of that baby, Leah. She is helping my Uncle Peter (her Grandpa) with his computer work.

Monday, February 13, 2006
Val D'or Day, or Valentines Day
Roses are red
Like a shiney new Beamer,
Happy Valentines Day
to my friends at Redeemer
Roses are pretty
like hair that is curled
Happy Valentines Day
to the rest of the world
Roses are nice
Sometimes they are fake
I hope all the students
live until the break
Roses get trimmed
by hands that can falter
Wikipedia has a page
on our prof Al Wolters
Roses are costly,
Expensive, my, my
Sometimes I think that
my tuitions too high.
Roses are red
Violets are covered in snow
Why aren't I asleep yet
I just don't know
Like a shiney new Beamer,
Happy Valentines Day
to my friends at Redeemer
Roses are pretty
like hair that is curled
Happy Valentines Day
to the rest of the world
Roses are nice
Sometimes they are fake
I hope all the students
live until the break
Roses get trimmed
by hands that can falter
Wikipedia has a page
on our prof Al Wolters
Roses are costly,
Expensive, my, my
Sometimes I think that
my tuitions too high.
Roses are red
Violets are covered in snow
Why aren't I asleep yet
I just don't know
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Dear Secret Boyfriend,
We are entering Valentines week. You don't need to buy me a turtle, or a field full of flowers or a hot tamale tree. But if you wanted to take me to see the Curious George movie that would be cool. That or batting cages.
Affectionately yours,
We are entering Valentines week. You don't need to buy me a turtle, or a field full of flowers or a hot tamale tree. But if you wanted to take me to see the Curious George movie that would be cool. That or batting cages.
Affectionately yours,
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
From today's Time Out
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Redeemer Athletics will no longer be supplying its members with squash balls. Please purchase squash balls from the Athletic Centre desk for $4.00. Used squash balls may be purchased for $2.00/ball. Please note that Redeemer Athletics is not responsible for lost or stolen squash balls.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
But I do know...
...that listening Delirious? in Spanish is hilarious.
the words all fit perfectly. nope.
the words all fit perfectly. nope.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
University Students and Otherwise
Hey, have you noticed that everyone is sick and stressed out? Let us try to make a solid effort to uphold each other in prayer. I think we all need the blessings.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
What has Dan got me into?
"Hi Laura,
I'm on the prowl for articles for the upcoming issue of The Crown,..."
"P.S. The excerpt from your blog that I included in my last editorial has created quite the stir in some quarters. You'll see what I mean when you read a couple of the letters to the editor that I will print in the upcoming issue...stayed tuned!! =)"
Thursday, February 02, 2006
A best friend.
Is there really anybody (other than Christ) who really fulfills that term?
How do you define it?
Is it someone who has been there through thick and thin?
Is it someone who knows you like they know themselves?
Someone you can yell and scream at and they won’t care?
Someone with whom you can be your total self all the time?
Someone who gives you the gift of time?
Who gives you the gift of love?
Is there really anybody (other than Christ) who really fulfills that term?
How do you define it?
Is it someone who has been there through thick and thin?
Is it someone who knows you like they know themselves?
Someone you can yell and scream at and they won’t care?
Someone with whom you can be your total self all the time?
Someone who gives you the gift of time?
Who gives you the gift of love?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Cleaning it up a little
Dan mentioned that my recent posts have been kind of sketchy. So to clean things up a little I ran one of my current Christian faves through Babel Fish.
Will You Come And Follow Me: into Dutch and back...
Will you come and follow me as I but your name calls?
You where you and never won't it be same go knowing?
Will you be shown my love to leave?
You my be killed name, will you my in you and leave you in me are grown to become the conscience?
Will you leave yourself as I but your name calls?
Will you for cruel and type give and never same to be?
Will you risk hostile would have your life attract or tail does be scared?
You me gebed in you and let you in me answer?
Do you blind persons leave or call I but your name to see?
Will you release the prisoners and never same to be?
You clean more leper kiss and such as unseen this, and will allow to what I in you and mean you in me?
You "you" will you love hides as I but your name calls?
Will you oppress within apprehension and never same to be?
You the belief use you found to form my face and contact and sound in you has the world round, by new and you in me?
Lord your sommatie echoes where when you call but my name.
Me lets twist you and follow and never same to be.
In your company I will go where show your love and foot steps.
Thus I move and live and in you and you in me will grow himself.
i'd like to sing this at my wedding, though now i'm not sure what version to sing...
Will You Come And Follow Me: into Dutch and back...
Will you come and follow me as I but your name calls?
You where you and never won't it be same go knowing?
Will you be shown my love to leave?
You my be killed name, will you my in you and leave you in me are grown to become the conscience?
Will you leave yourself as I but your name calls?
Will you for cruel and type give and never same to be?
Will you risk hostile would have your life attract or tail does be scared?
You me gebed in you and let you in me answer?
Do you blind persons leave or call I but your name to see?
Will you release the prisoners and never same to be?
You clean more leper kiss and such as unseen this, and will allow to what I in you and mean you in me?
You "you" will you love hides as I but your name calls?
Will you oppress within apprehension and never same to be?
You the belief use you found to form my face and contact and sound in you has the world round, by new and you in me?
Lord your sommatie echoes where when you call but my name.
Me lets twist you and follow and never same to be.
In your company I will go where show your love and foot steps.
Thus I move and live and in you and you in me will grow himself.
i'd like to sing this at my wedding, though now i'm not sure what version to sing...
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