Monday, April 19, 2010

Fifteen Hundred

Well holy crap.  This is my fifteen hundredth post.  Can you believe what an unbelievable waste of time contribution to society fifteen hundred blog posts is?  That is one thousand five hundred.  Do you understand this?  I'm not sure I can even comprehend this internet bytery.

Every once in a while I go back and read some of my earliest posts.  They suck.  Like suck haaaaaard.  Though at times they are a long ad for the Pita Pit or injuring annoying people.  Doing the second one would be a lucrative vocation if one could get beyond the law.  I'm still working on it.  But it didn't work for that one angel in Dogma, soooo I'm not working too hard.

This blog has gone through at least 3 different colour schemes, 3 different names.  At times (usually when I was supposed to be writing papers) there were multiple times a day.  Occaisionally I would take a few weeks off of entertaining and inspiring.  Most of the time I can adhere to a self imposed Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule (how many brains just exploded when I said that - yup, there is a rhythm to my madness).

The blog has been an updater; a sharing vehicle; an outlet for my angst, rage, sorrow, humour, etc.  I'll admit that the dawn of facebook has hit my numbers.  Though it's not surprising that a blog that has no real point would struggle to survive.

I'll keep posting my brand of humour, biasedly pushing things I'm interested in, and sharing the ridiculous.  Maybe I'll make it to 3000. 


1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Wooo! 1500!! I'll be tuned in for the 3000th post! Love.