Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tread Lightly

Ok, so you know and I know that the roads in the city aren't that bad. I don't discount that the roads in the country are bad, but maybe, well, we got lucky on this snow day and school closure. Shhhhhh. Here's the thing nobody say anything to Jacob or Justin about this. Actually wait, no, say things, but say bad things - like if you work downstairs at RUC and you're getting some coffee and either of them walks in to also get some coffee, can you talk loudly to them about how it took you 15 hours to scrape off your car, and how the roads were so bad and it was 4pm before you even saw a plow. Or if you're talking with a co-worker in the hallway and you see either one of them coming, can you speak emphatically about the 10 car pile-up at the end of your street - even if there wasn't one, say there was (why does it say there is a paper jam, when there iiiss no paper jam) and then say how glad you were to not have to be on the roads. We need to tread lightly here people - if they think they're losing their judgment on snow days, well, we may never see one again.

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