- a used condom in a very open area
- a very leaky nozzle
- Graham Cubitt
- a very drunk man who was getting more drunk in broad daylight
- a strange man who thinks that City workers should have the tools to put more holes in his belt
Monday, July 31, 2006
Triumphant Return to Work
My triumphant return to work included:
Sunday, July 30, 2006
To Be Fair
I asked some of my blog stalkers to oust themselves. Thanks to those who did. I thought to be fair I should stop any stalking that I'm doing. Though truthfully I don't outright stalk too many people. I leave comments here and there. Anyway, my links list now reflects every blog that I have bookmarked on my computer. I know everyone on the list (with the exception of a few spouses and anon bloggers), so I'm not sure that I'm stalking too much. Anyway, consider field to be a little more level.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
An Update for Kenny
I am continuing with the process of getting better. I did go to work on Friday and they sent me home. Oh well. I tried.
I'm still really, really tired. I'm napping 4-6 times a day. The body and head pain is lessening every day. The cough is increasing.
I'm getting a little cabin feverish. But discovered that visiting for longer than an hour makes me dizzy.
I am much better than I was on Tuesday. Thank you for prayers and love.
I'm still really, really tired. I'm napping 4-6 times a day. The body and head pain is lessening every day. The cough is increasing.
I'm getting a little cabin feverish. But discovered that visiting for longer than an hour makes me dizzy.
I am much better than I was on Tuesday. Thank you for prayers and love.
What I Know
The process of living for 25 years has afforded me the following knowledge*:
*not an exclusive list of my knowledge, just things I thought of off the top of my head.
- That Footprints in the Sand poem is right.
- Being a drama queen is fun, but it will cause some people to always lie to you.
- Not having social plans for any given time is not a reflection of who you really are.
- Even if it ends up that nothing is wrong, you should always ask.
- The world needs more hugs.
- Although painful, the truth needs to be told more often.
- Family is a gift.
- Family doesn't have to be genetic.
- Having tea is under-rated
- Frozen gummi bears are under-rated.
- The power of God is under-rated.
- A phone call, a visit, a note, an email, etc...if it is done out of love and out of the blue can carry a lot of beautiful power.
- Just because I don't think they do, doesn't mean people don't care for or about me.
- Prayer is awesome.
- My Dad will always and has always been proud of me.
- Though my brother and I have very different ideas about some things in life he will always be one of my best friends.
- My Mom will always continue to show me new ways in which she loves me.
- Music is a gift and the only true way to listen is with the heart. It knows what 'sounds' good.
- That I don't know which is better: to give your heart so freely that you are constantly being hurt; or to guard it so tightly that you don't really love. Or that middle ground is hard to find.
- That high school means much less in life than I thought it did when I attended. The guy from Bowling for Columbine is right.
- There needs to be more laughing and more clapping.
- We need to celebrate each other more often.
- Pretty much anything can be a love language if you know how to read it.
- I don't read enough of the Bible.
- I will continue to be a clutter-bug and continue to put off things I don't want to do.
- I will continue to over commit myself.
- Relationships and people are very important and should take priority over most other things.
- You need to have at least one hobby.
- Taking care of your body could be considered a good thing. It may even be in the Bible.
- Competitions of busyness are dangerous and do not benefit anyone.
- Trust is a funny thing and I will never fully understand it.
- It is possible to be very open and very closed all at the same time.
- Meat lasagne and garlic bread with cheese is not in my stomach as much as it should be.
- I love kitties.
- Our plans are ok, but God's plans are better.
- Laptops are the way to go.
- Acting one's age is over-rated.
- Getting good grades is over-rated and so is sacrificing everything to do it.
- Sweating is natural.
- Money isn't fun.
- You have to leave your bubble sooner or later. Sooner is better.
- Creamy Garlic is the best Pizza Pizza dipping sauce.
- More pictures need to be taken.
- Clothing is over-rated.
- It may not be possible to acquire a taste for everything.
- Although hard, it may be better in the long run to cut your losses and walk away.
- Gas is a natural part of life.
- Colouring is under-rated.
- Garbage in, garbage out.
- Free refills are awesome.
*not an exclusive list of my knowledge, just things I thought of off the top of my head.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Oh Good
The mayor of Funtown has a viral infection. Nothing to do but rest, drink (water) and take tylenol for the pain. I'm thrilled.
I'll likely push myself to go to work tomorrow. I can't justify taking more than a day and a half off for a viral infection.
Special thanks to Rachel and Marty for taking me to the doctor. I'm off to lay down. That trip took a lot out of me.
I'll likely push myself to go to work tomorrow. I can't justify taking more than a day and a half off for a viral infection.
Special thanks to Rachel and Marty for taking me to the doctor. I'm off to lay down. That trip took a lot out of me.
I am the mayor of Funtown
So yesterday morning at work I was tired. This is not unusual, we're all tired. It was humid, but the breeze made it very nice to cultivating and weeding the front of City Hall. At the end of morning break my stomach started to kill and I thought I was going to explode out of one end or the other. Then I broke into a phenomenal cold sweat (my arms were about to drip - memories of india) and felt life draining out of me. I alerted Vander Money to how I felt and she told me I looked like death. She later told me I was so pale that she was really worried. I got myself laying down. My lead hand took one look at me and told me that I wasn't going anywhere and that I should crawl into the back of the 12 passenger van. So I did. At one point I got super cold and Lacey brought me a pair of overalls and three raincoats to keep me warm. I was still cold. Even my nose was cold! During the 2 hours I spent back there I kind of drifted in and out. I guess I was passing out, cause I was awake and then I wasn't, I would just wake up 'later'. It was so strange, it felt like the van was moving but it very much wasn't.
After those few hours I felt distinctly more human and got out of the van and sat with Team HIV while they were eating lunch. Once I felt less like a space cadet I drove home and there I have remained.
I tried to rest last night, but although I felt really tired, I did not feel sleepy. I still feel super tired, like my muscles have nothing in them and if I spend too much time 'up' I start to get dizzy and sweaty. The RN at telehealth has no idea what happened, but was concerned with the accompanying headache. She told me to keep cool and still to keep the fever down - and voila the air conditioning breaks again. So its little fan and compresses for me! Woo hoo! I am the mayor of Funtown!
ps - lets hope this doesn't start a 'saga'. I can't handle another one of those.
yes i am eating, yes i am drinking lots, and back to bed for me.
After those few hours I felt distinctly more human and got out of the van and sat with Team HIV while they were eating lunch. Once I felt less like a space cadet I drove home and there I have remained.
I tried to rest last night, but although I felt really tired, I did not feel sleepy. I still feel super tired, like my muscles have nothing in them and if I spend too much time 'up' I start to get dizzy and sweaty. The RN at telehealth has no idea what happened, but was concerned with the accompanying headache. She told me to keep cool and still to keep the fever down - and voila the air conditioning breaks again. So its little fan and compresses for me! Woo hoo! I am the mayor of Funtown!
ps - lets hope this doesn't start a 'saga'. I can't handle another one of those.
yes i am eating, yes i am drinking lots, and back to bed for me.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Barrie Baycats clinched the pennant on Saturday night. As John's MSN name states: only 12 more wins until he gets a ring!
This past weekend I spent some time in the Ottawa-Carelton region with some excellent friends. Some brief highlights (sorry no pics - my cam had no film and nobody else took any):
- seeing Marie Stevens
- a beautiful apt that backs on to the Outaouais
- chinese from the Ruby Inn
- the trek to get there
- hilarious british comedy on DVD - Ab Fab!
- Two Oceans red wine
- nachos
- french toast
- walks through Westboro
- wedding chat
- left over chinese
- a nice drive to MetcalfE
- seeing Sarah, Fred and Kathryn Vedder
- home cooked supper
- frozen gummi bears
- a love for music
- wedding chat
- turtles ice cream AND chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream together in one beautiful cup
- Ab Fab
- inventing drinks
- homemade ingredients in drinks
- returning missionaries
- church pot lucks
- 1200 more kms on my car
She got 10th in the country for long jump. Now looking towards the senior nationals and Canada Games.
On Sunday after Church my Grandpa Stewart fell. As a result he broke his leg and gashed open his head. That kind of thing isn't fun most of the time, but when you're 92 its even less fun. He's resting uncomfortably back at the retirement residence and getting some very good care there. So if you could mention him to God while you're talking with Him, I would appreciate it.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I'm laying here in Ottawa in Marie Stevens' livingroom. I'm laying here, because my body decided that for the past two days, even though I haven't had to go to work it should make sure that I'm up by no later than 6:10am. I am less than pleased. But I guess I should be happy that if I ever forget to turn on my alarm I won't be late for work.
Anyway, while I was lying here, I got to thinking. And I was thinking about how many livingrooms I've woken up in. I would imagine its quite a few: livingrooms of relatives; of friends from elementary school, high school, university, sports teams, YFC, music-type friends; livingrooms all over Canada and the US. I dunno, I was just thinking about that.
Anyway, while I was lying here, I got to thinking. And I was thinking about how many livingrooms I've woken up in. I would imagine its quite a few: livingrooms of relatives; of friends from elementary school, high school, university, sports teams, YFC, music-type friends; livingrooms all over Canada and the US. I dunno, I was just thinking about that.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I'd like to congratulate my co-worker Van der Money (<- her rap alias) on qualifying for this weekend's junior national championships for Track and Field. She will be competing and long jump and possibly also triple jump.

(She has also competed nationally in gymnastics)

(She has also competed nationally in gymnastics)
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Yet another reason why we are Team HIV...
Behind/beside City Hall there are lots cement stairs. Lots. Its like a 1950's wonderland back there. Well apparently yesterday it was a skateboard wonderland. The picnic tables had all been moved to act as ramps down various stairs. And then. Oh and then, at the stairs closest to the parking lot, well, someone mistakenly left a lot of their blood on the ground, and on the stairs and on the railing and the cement wall. Gag. We cleaned it up. With a garden hose and a push broom. Gag.
If you're reading this and it was your blood and you want it back, you can find it diluted in water soaking in the grass on the other side of that staircase that you impaled yourself on. I hope you get out of the hospital soon.
If you're reading this and it was your blood and you want it back, you can find it diluted in water soaking in the grass on the other side of that staircase that you impaled yourself on. I hope you get out of the hospital soon.
Go Here
Garner, the band that happens to contain Matty McK and Jimmy B (aka James Bloemendal) will be playing at the Whistling Walrus on Upper James tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:30pm until the wee hours of the night. You should go there. They will be playing music by everyone you like. And likely everyone you like will be there. So go, you'll be glad you did!
i can't be there. :( i'll be at amy and shawn's wedding - but maybe i can make a late appearance...
i can't be there. :( i'll be at amy and shawn's wedding - but maybe i can make a late appearance...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My brother will be with the Baycats for their game in Brantford on Friday at 8pm. It will cost students 2$ to get in and regular adult types 5$ to get in. Anyone want to go? Lemme know.
Nay - For Three Days...?
Hypothetical Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time this morning I opened my mouth and looked up. Then I drowned.
Reality Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time it rained all bloody day.
Once upon a time this morning I opened my mouth and looked up. Then I drowned.
Reality Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time it rained all bloody day.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Cheating Death for 2 Days?
Once upon a time Hammytown got hit by severe weather yesterday. Once upon a time I was out picking garbage on King St when the worst of it hit (actually, when all of it hit). Once upon a time I had to run for cover so I didn't die from water, lightening or wind.
Once upon a time today I ran out of gas my way home from work. I was on the on ramp to the 403 at Aberdeen. I called CAA and waited quite a while for them to come. I kept my seat belt on because I feared someone would hit me with their car. While I was waiting a wasp flew into my car. You may recall they cause me to die (or get close to it). With the help of a copy of The Banner, I managed to kill it before it killed me.
The End.
Once upon a time today I ran out of gas my way home from work. I was on the on ramp to the 403 at Aberdeen. I called CAA and waited quite a while for them to come. I kept my seat belt on because I feared someone would hit me with their car. While I was waiting a wasp flew into my car. You may recall they cause me to die (or get close to it). With the help of a copy of The Banner, I managed to kill it before it killed me.
The End.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Once upon a time Dan, RJ, Adam and I drove to Wasaga to meet Laura, Amanda, Kim and Kristel there for Kristel's bday party. We went swimming and played frisbee and other fun things. Then Dan and I snuck off to watch my brother play in the IBL All Star Game. This was also fun. Dan and I rejoined the party (and Kat, Mira and Ashley joined) at Kristel's parents', where we had a lovely BBQ followed by a tour of the Barrie waterfront and fruit. It was a good day.
These are the only pics I have....

These are the only pics I have....

Friday, July 07, 2006
Out with yon stalkers!
Who are you?
Who reads my blog in:
Who reads my blog in:
- Frankford, ON
- Markham, ON
- Kamloops, Vancouver, or Victoria, BC
- Barrie, ON
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Super Jo
Every once in a lifetime a roommate and a friend comes along that stands out from the rest. And once a year that roommate has a birthday.
Happy Birthday Johanna Elaine Dyck!
Monday, July 03, 2006
First You Get the Sugar
As much as the City job is covering my bills right now, it isn't making me much money for the school year. So I've been thinking about jobs. My thoughts about jobs for the school year remind me of a dip in GPA, and a lack of time for ministry. So after some prayer I have decided the following:
Laura Stewart, in conjunction with God, is proud to announce an opening for the position of:
Laura Stewart, in conjunction with God, is proud to announce an opening for the position of:
Sugar Daddy
Having a Sugar Daddy will ensure that I have the financial resources to finish my last year of school and be able to maintain my positions within various ministries.
Successful applicants will need:
Successful applicants will need:
- a pack load of money
- an understanding that they will not be "getting any' unless they also purchase a wedding
- a nice car
- access to the internet
- and perhaps a single son around the age of 25
- do not necessarily need to male
Sunday, July 02, 2006
My parents are trying to work something out so that John can play at least some games for Barrie this summer. He went up for a double header last night and:
From http://www.icbaseball.com/index.php3?command=full&story=502:
"In Game 2, Brad Grieveson (2-0) and John Stewart combined for a one-hitter as the Baycats shutout the Nationals 8-0."
From http://www.icbaseball.com/index.php3?command=full&story=502:
"In Game 2, Brad Grieveson (2-0) and John Stewart combined for a one-hitter as the Baycats shutout the Nationals 8-0."
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Nathan: And here I am says:
Nathan: And here I am says:
we need some prayer
Nathan: And here I am says:
Beck Fluit's sister was in a bad car accident last night
Nathan: And here I am says:
very bad head injuries
Nathan: And here I am says:
she might night make it.
Nathan: And here I am says:
they need a miracle
Nathan: And here I am says:
please pray and if you could tell others
Nathan: And here I am says:
we need some prayer
Nathan: And here I am says:
Beck Fluit's sister was in a bad car accident last night
Nathan: And here I am says:
very bad head injuries
Nathan: And here I am says:
she might night make it.
Nathan: And here I am says:
they need a miracle
Nathan: And here I am says:
please pray and if you could tell others
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