Wednesday, February 23, 2005

An encouraging thought

Today in my Pentateuch class we were talking about the book of Exodus. For awhile we talked about the names God gives for Moses to call Him. One that most Christians are familiar with is I Am Who I Am. Dr. Wolters made a special note of this name. He said that the Hebrew tense of that name isn't that cut and dry. The name could also be translated as I Will Be Who I Will Be.

I Will Be Who I Will Be. I have to say that as majestic and powerful as the great I Am is, I'm much more excited and encouraged by the I Will Be. Of course it fits in perfectly with the convenant that is being solidified at that point in the Bible and throughout redemptive history. But for me in this time it says that God will always be the perfect God He says He is. He is not human and will not randomly change one day. He is unchanging and that is very comforting because it seems that I am always changing. It is so amazing to have Someone there who is steadfast, loving and never hypocritical.

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