Monday, October 30, 2006
Vote Early and Vote Often!
You'll see some lovely pictures of my brother and I in there...
Proof That You Cannot Have Too Much Of A Good Thing
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Grocery Shopping Can Be Fun! (Especially When You Have Mom's Debit Card)
My New Best Friend (After Christ Of Course)

BF and I have a lot in common: we like to sleep; we like to eat; we talk a lot; we can't make up our minds; we like to show our bums to whoever will look; we're a little saggy in the middle and we're hairy (with lots of shedding).

Oh But-Her-Face; its a good thing I'm not allergic to you, 'cause putting my face that close to you could cause me to sneeze for a few days. But not Chelsea, she doesn't have any allergies. None.

Aww, friendly kisses!

I love you Butter Face!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Mercy - Felt Needs, Real Deeds
Cry if you want to
I won't tell you not to.
I won't try to cheer you up,
I'll just be here If you want me.
It's no use in keeping a stiff upper lip,
You can weep, you can sleep
You can loosen your grip.
You can frown, you can drown
And go down with the ship.
You can cry if you want to.
Don't ever apologise venting your pain,
Its something to me you don't need to explain.
I don't need to know why,
I don't think its insane.
You can cry if you want to.
The windows are closed,
The neighbours aren't home,
If its better with me than to do it alone,
I'll draw all the curtains,
And unplug the phone
You can cry if you want to.
You can stare at the ceiling,
And tear at your hair,
Swallow your feelings,
And stagger and swear.
You can show things and throw things
and I wouldn't care.
You can cry if you want to.
I won't make fun of you.
I won't tell anyone.
I won't analyze what you do
Or you should have done.
I won't advise you to go and have fun.
You can cry if you want to.
Well its empty and ugly
And terribly sad.
I can't feel what you feel,
But I know it feels bad.
I know that its real
And it makes you so mad.
You can cry.
Cry if you want to,
I won't tell you not to.
I won't try to cheer you up.
I'll just be here if you want me to be near you.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Wind
Mr Wind? I really seem to notice you when I come onto Kitty Murray, and that is when i have consecutive hills . Could you tone it down a notch? Oh, and when I'm coming home and almost the entire ride is up hill, well, if you could stop trying to blow me over I'd like that. I'll recommend you to all my friends.....Just like this, "Hey! Have you heard of the wind? He's cool!" Ok? Thanks Mr. Windywinderson you're nice.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Life Lessons To Be Learned From Salt N Pepa: Dedicated to Karmyn
- Opinions are like assholes, cause everbody's got one.
- The difference between a hooker and a ho ain't nothing but a fee.
- There is only one true judge and thats God, so just chill and let my Father do his job.
- You shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I have 6 mins left to say...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
You can find it here.
Be There
The CEW team is leading off the service with a frenzy of art being done LIVE on stage.
Darren Sinke is this month's Testamovie.
So, again, you should come. Good times and challenges indeed.
Friday, October 20, 2006
In A Week...

To this:

And from graduating to not. I thought I should be a little more informative about that. I dropped a class each semester because I'm still sick, my allergies have been kind of crazy and my sciatica is acting up again, along with a couple other things. After much prayer and conversations with wise adults and friends I decided to give myself some much needed breathing room. The two courses that I need could be completed during the summer or I could come back for a part time semester. There is a lot of prayer and things to work out with any option that I choose. But I have a little while to think and meditate upon that.
Thanks for concern and support as I continue this journey. Oh - and good news - I have an appointment with a specialist to try and figure out what the heck is going on. It is on December 18th.
Sometimes When You Are Studying...
Please meet my new friends (who were put on with marker by the lovely Chelsea Schinkel):
Random dude from my text book,

and Sir Isaac Newton (also from my text book).

Now they are friends.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Just So You Know
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Or a Snorkel?
From: Bruce Stewart
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:49 PM
To: Laura Stewart
Subject: Re: If you need me, I'll be out gathering up two of every animal.
I just went to the barn and checked the gauge again on the way by. 100 mm. And it's still raining.
Great time for a new roof on the house.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Anyone Got a Zebra?
From: Bruce Stewart
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:06 PM
To: Laura Stewart
Subject: If you need me, I'll be out gathering up two of every animal.
This was the weather forecast we received this morning:
Text Forecast: Issued at 5.00 AM EDT Tuesday 17 October 2006
Today..Cloudy. Rain beginning this morning. Amount 10 to 15 mm. Wind becoming southeast 30 km/h gusting to 50 early this afternoon. High 13.
Tonight..Rain ending near midnight then cloudy with 60 percent chance of drizzle. Amount 10 to 15 mm. Fog patches. Temperature steady near 13.
There were 80 mm of rain in the gauge at 6:30 this evening. And it was and still is raining. Hard.
I think they underestimated a little.
Amy, I'll see you in the parking lot after class...heh, heh.
One Thing, Not the Other

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sometimes I occupy myself with 'other' things at receptions. Sometimes the apples and leaves were once seperate and pretty on the tables. But sometimes they just come together and sometimes I just have to put a face on the apple.
Real pics of the wedding soon...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I don't know who I am anymore.

sometimes she blesses me by asking me to sing at her wedding.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Forging a New Tradition?
(that of one of my Grandparents' children). This year Grandma and
Grandpa aren't doing as hot as they might be, so the prospect of
driving somewhere and spending all day there wasn't looking too
fantastic. We decided to have lunch out as an alternative. That way we
could all get together and participate in a family favourite activity (eating) but G&G wouldn't get totally worn out.
Let the festivities begin....

We ate at Rosie's. The waitress kindly addressed us as 'yous'. Aw.

Leah was there. We hung out.

She was a big fan of my bun.

Aw, the family eating shot. Lots of yummy prime rib and turkey was consumed.

My stir fry was very yummy. My Mummy had liver and onions. Gross. Cousin Dan is funny.

I told you my sir fry was yummy. Though it lacked almonds.

Family posey goodness.

I told you last month that I got my love of pie from my Dad. Take this as proof.

The ascetically pleasing tea carnage.

Mmmm after dinner mint.
On Saturday I went with my Mom to sell her art at the Farmers' Market. She made the mistake of bringing the camera.
Welcome to Brighton...

Yeah, thats a tractor turning on to the main street.

Most of the main street. This street also happens to be known as Main St.

Ah, Main St. where the shop keepers sweep their doorways.

The Legion (they have kareoke there).

In case you were worried, the bowling ally is air conditioned!

Pretty gazebo in the park.

The memorial park.

Welcome to the Farmers' Market.

My selling buddy Hannah from the booth next door. She smiles like Melissa Kuipers.

The other end of the market.
Thus ends your unofficial tour of the West end of Brighton.
Ta. Da.