Thursday, October 13, 2005

Not So Random Act of Kindness

I have been in quite a few conversations lately about feeling special as a result of other people's actions. Now, before you jump down my face and tell me that all specialness comes from God and we are to be rooted in Him that created us... - I will say I know. Ok, I know.

With that over with, I am going to encourage/propose something. Today (the day you read this) do something nice for someone. But don't be all annonymous. Be purposeful. Write a card and pop it in the mail, make/take some one out for lunch, send an encouraging email, give a hug, whatever, however, but be God with skin and encourage someone through and with the love you experience through the risen Lord. Let them know you are glad that they are a part of the creation.

After you have done that take your daytimer/palm pilot/calendar/wall/etc and go through and make yourself some more days to do that.


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