Saturday, October 01, 2005

Is This a Health Care Issue?

Ok, this is my 4th (of 5) years in the Redeemer Concert Choir. And although I love music and being a part of it, it should be known that my knowledge of music theory and the like is quite limited.

There is one term that Dr. T uses frequently in rehearsals that I have never known the meaning of. I spoke to a few other choristers past and present and they didn't know what it meant either. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my ignorance.

So I give you the term in question: hemiola (hee-mee-oh-lah). My guess at its meaning had something to do with internal bleeding. Turns out this is it: Hemiola n:a musical rhythmic alteration consisting of three beats in place of two or two beats in place of three.

This doesn't make it 100% clear to me, but at least I have a working definition and I can stop praying for all these people that I thought were dying.

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