Sunday, December 06, 2009

How Am I Even Breathing?

My little baby, my lappy (aka my laptop computer) is still in the hospital. The good Mr. BvO has diagnosed it with a corrupted operating system and possibly the beginnings of a hard disk failure. So it must remain the hospital for a blood transfusion and possible surgery. It will not be back in my sweet loving arms until late Monday or Tuesday.

Those of you who know me well, know that this is a severe kink in my life. I do have to say that it isn't so much the lack of internet at my disposal that is bothering me (although, i will say that occasionally it becomes an inconvenience) but the lack of media playing. I use the lappy as a sleep and relaxation aide - I fall asleep while listening to tv shows that are on my external hard drive and picture what is happening in them, thus allowing my brain to stop spinning.

So sweet lappy, I pine for you and your safe return. I am trying to be strong in your absence, but I must admit, I am distraught.

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