Saturday, May 07, 2005

Not dead, just sleepy

So I figured out that my body is not a big fan of my completely changing time zones. To clarify: the past three years I have been mostly nocturnal. My body has gotten used to going to bed at 5:30am or later. Now it is trying to get used to getting up at around 5:30am. It feels like I have jet lag. I know there are a lot of us that are feeling this way. Gah.

The new job is a little different than I thought. It turns out that I have been placed in the city greenhouses at Gage Park. At first I wasn't too thrilled with that but there are a lot of good things about it. My supervisor or foreman is a Christian. His name is Randy and he's a cool guy. He's the kind of boss that is out there doing the work with you. So he is very humane about breaks and heat and stuff. He said that we'll get the freezer packed with popsicles and ice cream bars for when it gets really hot out. We're going to do potluck lunches with the greenhouse staff and the Gage Park staff. I will be working Tuesday through Saturday 7am to 3pm; so that messes up regular weekends but so far the work as been anything but hard. It is rather slow in the greenhouse right now.

The girls I work with are cool. They are Maria, Katie and Ashley. I thought you should know their names incase I reference them later. They are all from Hamilton. Actually I have been kind of surprised to see how many people are from Hamilton and home for the summer. Actually I haven't met anyone who is like me and staying here for the summer. Kind of interesting.

The house (or Booty Barn) is coming along. Gayle and Mira have been working like dogs so there hasn't been much time for unpacking. I've had a little more free time but have avoided cleaning my room so that they don't feel bad. Oh, I should also tell you that we three have pimp names and in the context of the Booty Barn should be referred to by these names. Mira's is Reverend Doctor M. Flex. Gayle's is Macktastic G. Wicked and mine is Vicious D. L. Slim. I'm quite sure there will be t-shirts by the end of the summer.

That is my little update. Give me a call if yer bored.

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